
Cosmoverse is an annual conference focusing on the ecosystem and interoperability. It rotates to different cities each year: Lisbon in 2021, Medellin in 2022, Istanbul in 2023, and Dubai in 2024. The event gathers influential figures from the Cosmos community and related fields. Through keynote speeches and panel discussions, Cosmoverse aims to provide education and information on the latest advancements and applications. [1]


The team behind Cosmoverse is composed by the following members: [1]

  • Cryptocito: Co-Founder and Strategy Lead
  • Basil Nasereldeen: Co-Founder and Operations Lead
  • Fabian Klauder: Co-Founder and Finance LEad
  • Juri Maibaum: Co-Founder and Marketing Lead
  • Zafercan Çakir: Turkey Lead
  • Julio C. Farias: Community Manager Spain and LATAM
  • Honora: Community Manager Turkey

2024 Edition

The 2024 edition of Cosmoverse is scheduled to be held in Dubai from October 21st to 23rd. Tracks include modularity (appchains, rollups, abstraction, composability), tokenization (RWAs, compliance, DeFi, enterprise, stablecoins), restaking (liquid staking, shared security, oracles), EVM (interoperability, shared sequencing, scalability), and AI (agents, marketplaces, data, GPUs, storage, depin). [2]

2023 Edition

Cosmoverse 2023, the 3rd edition of the Cosmoverse conference, took place in Istanbul, Turkey, from October 2nd to 4th. This event delved into blockchain interoperability, with a focus on addressing scalability, interoperability, and privacy issues within the crypto space. [3]

2022 Edition

Cosmoverse 2022 took place in Medellin, Colombia, during the summer of 2022. The event aimed to increase awareness about the Cosmos ecosystem within the South American crypto community and to facilitate discussions on recent advancements in interchain security, the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol, and related topics. [4]

2021 Edition

Cosmoverse 2021 took place in Lisbon, Portugal. At the onset of the two-day event, Zaki Manian, co-founder of the project Sommel and former lead developer at Cosmos and (core contributors to the Cosmos network), presented various technologies in progress within the Cosmos ecosystem. [5]

등록/티켓 구매위치
Dubai - United Arab Emirates
21st, October 2024
소셜 프로필태그Conference


인기 이벤트

전 세계에서 가장 인기 있는 암호화폐 이벤트.

event image
1st, November 2017

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