





DXdao is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization that develops, governs, and grows open finance protocols and products. It was initialized in May 2019 and has over 400 unique stakeholder addresses. They aim to apply blockchain innovations to make basic, important, and decentralized finance applications for everyone. The DXdao, at its core, is composed of people recognized by the merit achieved and engraved in their hexadecimal characters.[1]

The DXdao is owned by its reputation holders, also called "stakeholders". Your proportion of the dao's reputation determines your voting weight. This reputation is owned by Ethereum addresses that collectively control the set of smart contracts that is the DXdao and the projects it administers. Some DXdao members assert themselves as the owners of certain addresses, and other address owners are anonymous.[2]


Initially created to guide the DutchX trading protocol, the DXdao was launched in May 2019 out of an effort led by Gnosis yet open to all. The initial distribution of reputation was carried out in a fully open process, with any would-be member able to earn a reputation in several ways. Since then, the DXdao has directed its actions according to its members. The DXdao has grown into a broader-scoped and more capable collective in one short year.

DXD is the economic token of DXdao. It is a transferable ERC-20 token that grants its holders a right to the company's revenue and certain privileges or premier services on DXdao-owned products. Reputation is the governance mechanism that controls DXdao. It is non-transferable, and holders have a right—and implicit duty—to govern and direct the collective.

DXD and reputation holders need not overlap, yet some pieces of each stakeholder group will likely hold both to the more tightly coupled interests of all. As holding DXD is the more inactive way—and the one attached to economic success—it will likely be the more widely owned stake in the system.

The DXdao is giving DXD tokens through a persistent pledge drive. The DXD token is fresh out of the plastic new token. DXD's Buyers are subsidizing DXdao's endeavors in return for a privilege to future incomes.[3][4][5][6]

DXDao Products

DXDao owns and operates four essential DeFI products and protocols on Ethereum, Arbitrum, and Gnosis Chain. These DXdao’s DeFI products include:


It is a multi-chain AMM with unique features, including LP governance, DIY farming, etc. Swapr is the first automated market maker (AMM) to allow for adjustable swap fees through governance and has been organically developed within the DXdao community. Swapr marks a DAO's first launch of a DeFi protocol on Ethereum.[9]


DXgov is the squad responsible for the umbrella term for all our governance products. This includes the internal development of our DAO and external-facing products to serve and govern other DAOs.


This DXdao’s DeFI product grants permissionless access to create community-driven programmable incentives, distributing rewards when set criteria are met.


Omen is a fully decentralized multi-chain prediction market platform built on the Gnosis conditional token framework. It allows users to create and/or participate in information markets on various topics (crypto, politics, sports, etc.) and stake their crypto on possible outcomes.

Partnership & Investors

Presently, DxDao has eight investors: DAOStack, Status, OPOLIS, LOOPRING, Agave, Arbitrum, Gnosis Chain and Gnosis.[7][8]

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편집 날짜

May 29, 2024

편집 이유:

Added its products and corrected some grammar.


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