




GET Protocol

GET Protocol (GET) is a blockchain-based ticketing engine, allowing ticketing companies to issue admission rights in a fully digital way. It offers a blockchain-based smart ticketing solution that can be used by everybody who needs to issue tickets (NFTs) in an honest and transparent way.[2]

Aim of GET

GET Protocol aims to solve the problem of ticket fraud and scalping using blockchain technology. The company claims that over a million smart tickets have been sold using the protocol for events across Europe and Asia.


The GET Protocol is fueled by GET. This is a utility ERC20 token, meaning that it serves a specific purpose within the protocol. Due to the blockchain nature of the engine, the properties of the GET token allow for a transparent and stable value equivalence with fiat money, as this is locked in every event cycle.

GET is a utility token that serves as fuel for smart tickets issued by the GET Protocol. The GET token serves as a gatekeeper for network usage and restricts access for non-approved bad actors or unwanted events, without centralized ‘censorship’.[1]

GET is the only valid medium of exchange within the protocol. This ensures that both parties of a trade agreement by default on the basic terms of the trade, reducing friction. The GET Protocol is all about making the ticketing industry more transparent and accountable. It does so in part by using blockchain technology, which provides exactly those features: transparency and accountability.

GET essentially bridges mainstream audiences into web3 at a large scale. Their products are being used by creators and ticketing companies to offer a radically new way of ticketing. Over a million tickets have been processed by them so far. The protocol gives complete control over the sale and trade between ticket holders from the moment the first ticket is sold until the last ticket is scanned and enables organizers to tap into NFTs at ease.

GET Foundation

The GET Protocol Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, which is on a mission to make ticketing fair, transparent, and accessible for fans, organizers, artists and alike.[3]

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GET Protocol

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September 25, 2022


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