





QuantixAI is a cryptocurrency and blockchain solution developed by Quantix Capital, designed to optimize liquidity within a sophisticated algorithmic trading ecosystem. The project centers around the QAI Token, an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency that serves as the core of its platform.


QuantixAI is focused on digital asset trading, utilizing artificial intelligence and advanced algorithms. The platform aims to create an ecosystem that combines AI-driven trading strategies with blockchain technology to potentially enhance returns and manage risks in the cryptocurrency market.

Key features of QuantixAI include:

  1. AI-Powered Trading Bot: The platform includes a trading bot that uses artificial intelligence to analyze market conditions and execute trades.
  2. QAI Token: This is the native cryptocurrency of the QuantixAI ecosystem, intended to facilitate transactions and provide utility within the platform.
  3. Liquidity Optimization: The system is designed to improve liquidity in cryptocurrency markets, which may lead to more efficient trading and reduced slippage.
  4. Data-Driven Approach: QuantixAI uses data analysis to inform investment decisions and trading strategies.


The QuantixAI platform is built on several technological components:

  1. Ethereum Blockchain: The QAI Token is based on the Ethereum network, utilizing its security and smart contract capabilities.
  2. AI and Machine Learning: Algorithms are used to analyze market trends, predict price movements, and optimize trading strategies.
  3. Smart Contracts: These are used to ensure transparent and secure execution of trades and other platform functions.
  4. Data Analytics: Systems are in place to process large volumes of market information and derive insights.


The QAI Token has a total supply of 10,000,000 tokens, distributed as follows [1]:

  • QuantixAI Trading Bot Fund: 5,000,000 QAI (50%)
  • Market Making: 1,000,000 QAI (10%)
  • Marketing: 1,000,000 QAI (10%)
  • Investments (Locked 1 Year): 2,000,000 QAI (20%)
  • Team (Locked 2 Years): 1,000,000 QAI (10%)

Token Generation Event (TGE) details:

  • 1,000,000 QAI (10% of Total Supply) unlocked at TGE
  • 500,000 QAI from the QuantixAI Trading Bot Fund Wallet
  • 500,000 QAI from the Market Making Fund

Vesting schedules are in place for the Investment and Team allocations to ensure long-term commitment and prevent market flooding [1].

Market Presence

QuantixAI is listed on several cryptocurrency exchanges:

  1. MEXC
  2. Deepcoin
  3. Toobit
  4. Tapbit
  5. Azbit
  6. Fastex
  7. Coinsbit

The QAI token is tracked on major cryptocurrency data platforms:

  • CoinGecko: Ranked in the top 200 of all tokens [2]
  • CoinMarketCap: Ranked within the top 2000 [3]

These listings provide QAI with visibility and accessibility to global traders and investors.


QuantixAI is led by a team of experts in blockchain, finance, and technology:

  1. Jake Seltzer - Founder: Experienced in Web3 solutions.
  2. Samuel Ng - Co-Founder: Specializes in blockchain and digital asset strategies.
  3. Woochan Lee - Chief Operating Officer: Oversees operational and business strategy execution.
  4. Marco Tumminaro - Head of Strategy: Responsible for long-term vision and strategic initiatives.
  5. Raghuraj Rai - Chief Marketing Officer: Leads marketing strategies and brand visibility efforts.
  6. Rubens Rubini - Head of Partnership: Fosters alliances and expands networks.

[1] [2] [3]

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September 17, 2024


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