James Simpson

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James Simpson

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James Simpson

James Simpson is a co-founder and the Chief Executive Officer of Stability Labs (Meta). He is part of the squad at Stability Labs saddled with the responsibility of building the mStable Standard. 


James has been working at Stablity Labs since January 2019. Stability Labs is a platform that unites and secures tokenized resources on Ethereum.

James also works as advisor at Apollo Capital since February 2019. Before becoming an advisor, he was an investment analyst for Apollo Capital. [1]

James was previously a Data Analytics Consultant for KPMG Australia from February to August of 2015.


James graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2016 where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree with honors. He graduated with first class. He was awarded 2016 Dwight Prize for his excellent academic performance. [2]

He also attended Fudan University in 2014 where he studied the Chinese language.


James is highly skilled in data analysis, research and Chinese language. He also has good public speaking skills. [3]

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August 24, 2022

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