Invisible Friends
Invisible Friends is an Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collection of 5000 animated invisible characters developed by animator, Markus Magnusson. It is a project created by the Random Character Collective. [1]
Invisible Friends is an Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collection developed by Swedish animator, Markus Magnusson. The collection was launched on February 23, 2022 by the Random Character Collective (RCC). [2]
The Random Character Collective is also known for popular NFT projects like Slim Hood and Mood Rollers.
The project describes itself as “hiding in the Metaverse.” Each of the 5,000 animations in the NFT collection features an invisible character with the intention of drawing focus to the character’s clothing and walk. [3]
In a High Snobiety interview, Magnusson stated that Invisible Friends was “for people who are still kids at heart. People who just wanna have a bit of fun on the Internet.”
The collection was minted at 0.25 ETH the NFTs traded as high as 15 Ethereum on OpenSea.
Special Edition
The Invisible Friends Specials collection features a one of one special edition piece, Golden Friend. It was sold at auction for 496.69 ETH worth nearly $1.3 million.
The proceeds from that sale will go to the RCC charity fund, and the winner of the Golden NFT will receive token IDs two through six from the main collection of Invisible Friends.
Notable Sales
On March 3, 2022, Invisible Friends #1125 was sold for 200 ETH ($777,864) on OpenSea, making it the highest sold NFT in the collection.
On February 27, 2022, Invisible Friends #4672 sold for 110 ETH ($560,244) on OpenSea, making it the second highest sold NFT in the collection.[4]