Decentral Games

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Decentral Games

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Decentral Games

Decentral Games (DG) is a community-owned metaverse casino ecosystem powered by $DG. Players earn $DG for playing games, LPs earn $DG for providing liquidity, and holders earn $DG for governing the casino treasury[1]


Decentral Games is the first community-owned casino ecosystem powered by the $DG token. All games are built-in Decentraland and on Matic Network's L2 using a novel meta-transactional architecture to deliver seamless, signatureless, and free in-game transactions – all while maintaining open source logic and user custody of funds[2]

Players play games directly from their  wallets and therefore have custody of them while playing games. Anyone may audit any particular gameplay transaction and game logic code to verify fairness.

$DG is an  governance token awarded to community members who provide value to the decentral Games ecosystem, such as playing games, providing liquidity, participating in governance, and referring to new players. There will never be more than 1 million $DG[3]

$DG gameplay farming distribution is determined by:

blackjack play-to-mine function: an equation that determines $DG mined per MANA or DAI wagered in blackjack

roulette play-to-mine function: equation that determines $DG mined per MANA or DAI wagered in roulette

affiliate rate: a bonus rate for all wagers placed through addresses a player refers

multiplayer bonus: play-to-mine rate multiplier all players enjoy when playing with 2, 3, and 4 players at the same table

NFT wearable bonus: play-to-mine bonus for players wearing a NFT wearable while playing games[4].

Users can earn $DG by:

Gameplay mining: You can mine $DG by playing games with MANA or DAI and bonuses are given to players as an incentive to play in groups of up to four per table. The bigger the group, the higher the % allocated to each player.

Liquidity farming: You can farm $DG by providing liquidity in the 98/2 MANA/DG and/or DAI/DG balancer pools and staking the balancer pool token (BPT) here.

Governance rewards: You can earn additional $DG by staking your $DG up in our governance contract and voting on proposals.

Affiliate bonus: Anyone playing using your affiliate link mines $DG for you at 10% the normal rate in addition to their earned $DG

The decentral Games ecosystem revolves around a community-governed treasury and a $DG distribution method to grant a stake in the network to individuals who use it (players) and provide a service to it (LPs and active governors)[5]


Decentral Games' foresight in the gaming market has resulted in significant investments from high-profile companies such as , Decentraland, , Tron, and others[6]

In 2020, Decentral Games collaborate with Atari to create a unique co-branded venue that features Atari's iconic branding.

Decentral Games has also been entrusted by cryptocurrency organizations such as DEXTools, Coingecko, , and the to construct their Metaverse-based headquarters or presence, guaranteeing their place in the next technological frontier is assured for years to come[7]

$DG and $ICE Token Utility

On Decentral Games, the $DG governance token allows holders to fractionalize control of the DG DAO Treasury and its cash flows. The $DG governance plan is based on the notion of empowering token holders to "be the house"[8]

The $ICE token, on the other hand, is an in-game utility token for Decentral Games' ICE Poker product. The purpose of ICE Poker is for players to collect $ICE tokens so that they may swap them for rewards and wearable NFT upgrades[9].

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August 18, 2022

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