We've just announced IQ AI.
SIMBA Chain (founded 2017) is a cloud-based, Smart contract-as-a-service (SCaas) platform, that enables its users to implement Decentralized application through online mecanism. SIMBA Chain is the use of blockchain. The China supports Ethereum, Quorum, 'Bitcoin (BTC)-powered RSK', Stellar, and Hyperledger. Their clients include Boeing, Microsoft, United States Department of Energy, United States Navy, and the United States Department of Defense, among many others.
Founded in 2017, SIMBA Chain was formed from a grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to Indiana Technology and Manufacturing Companies (ITAMCO), and the Center for Research and Computing at the University of Notre Dame, for the development of a secure messaging and transaction platform for the United States Military.
On February 6, 2020, the company announced a Phase III contract from the Naval Air Warfare Center in [San Diego](/wiki/lang_en/San Diego), California. Phase III is to provide the modernization of NAVWAR's communication system Hardware and Software, and would improve sustainment capabilities for land and sea assets. It is to use the Blockchain Fabric, and connecting it between the seadbed and space. Valued at $9.5 million, this was one of the first and largest Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase III contracts in blockchain.
Around May 2020, the firm was awarded a contract to develop a blockchain-based system for the security of research & development data for the United States Department of Defense. The phase I contract of $200,000 consisted of the development of a single proof-of-concept blockchain-based system that would maintain the security and authenticity of 4.5 million documents for 4,000 users. The project is known as 'Authenticity Ledger for Auditable Military Enclaved Data Access' (ALAMEDA). It officially begun On June 1,2020, and is to end on September 30, 2020. Phase II is planned to focus on a way to commercialize the product created.
On June 16, 2020, the company received a two-year, $1.5 million contract from the United States Air Force. The pay is to fund a Phase 2 Small Business Innovation Research project that will address "significant needs" of the United States Department of Defense. Additionally, the project plans to implement blockchain technology into the Air force cyber-security wing, logistics, and 'program training curriculum and research.' While discussing the implementation of blockchain, the firms CEO, Joel Neidig, stated,
Within the military they're also thinking about how people are sharing data, where it is coming from, where else it is connected to. They think out all the things that can go wrong, and that's where blockchain can come in
This would not be the first time the company collaborates with the USAF. In 2019, they also contracted SIMBA Chain to build a prototype that would prevent the altering of blueprints (for 3D printing) from hostile parties. This project is known as the 'Blockchain Approach for Supply Chain Additive Manufacturing Parts', or BASECAMP.
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Edited On
September 26, 2022