Upbit is one of the largest centralized cryptocurrency exchanges by trading volume across South Asian crypto markets.
거래소 카테고리에는 Binance 또는 Coinbase와 같은 중앙 집중식 거래소와 Uniswap 또는 Quickswap과 같은 분산형 거래소를 포함한 모든 암호화폐 거래소가 포함됩니다.
BitForex is a cryptocurrency exchange headquartered in Hong Kong and registered in Seychelles.
편집됨 2 년 전에
Crypto.com is a pioneering payment and cryptocurrency company, formerly known as Monaco Technologies GmbH.
편집됨 2 년 전에
DerivaDAO is a secure, high-performance Decentralized Exchange. DerivaDAO is concentrated on building Exchange, Governance Apps.
Fiat money is a government-issued currency with no physical commodity backing, deriving its value from public trust and government regulation, such as the U.S. ...
편집됨 12 개월 전에