William Fang

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William Fang

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William Fang

William Fang is an investment associate at , a venture capital firm focused on and digital asset investments. [1]


William Fang enrolled in National Tsing Hua University in September 2017 and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Quantitative Finance. [1]


William Fang's career began in June 2021 when he started working as a Summer Analyst for Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong SAR. This internship lasted for three months and was focused on the investment management division. After his internship, William received a return offer and worked as a full-time Analyst for Goldman Sachs from July 2022 to January 2023 in Hong Kong SAR. [2]

In January 2023, William started working as an Investment Associate for Sora Ventures, Asia's leading crypto-backed venture capital firm dedicated to and digital currency investments. As an Investment Associate, William is responsible for identifying new investment opportunities and supporting portfolio companies. [2]

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Profile picture of Anonymous userChiefBrain

Edited On

June 10, 2023

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