Doxxing is a term used to describe the practice of gathering and releasing private or identifying information about someone without their permission. It is primarily used online and is usually done to harass, intimidate, or embarrass the person whose information is being released. [1]
The term "doxxing" is derived from the word "documents", and is a portmanteau of the words "documents" and "dropping". It was first used in the 1990s, when hackers would release personal information about someone as a form of revenge or revenge trolling. Doxxing is often used as a form of cyberbullying, and it can have serious consequences for the victim.
Doxxing can be done through a variety of methods, including searching through public records, searching through social media accounts, or using information that is publicly available on the internet. It can also be done by using online tools that help people find personal information about someone else.
In recent years, doxxing has become a popular tool used by hackers and cybercriminals to target individuals, organizations, and companies. This has led to the creation of several anti-doxxing tools and services, designed to help protect people from doxxing. Doxxing is an unethical and often illegal practice.
February 23, 2023