




Hooked Protocol

Hooked Protocol is a Web3 project focused on building an on-ramp layer for mass adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. It aims to provide tailored Learn and Earn products and onboarding infrastructure to help users and businesses enter the world of Web3 [1].


Hooked Protocol's primary goal is to facilitate widespread adoption of Web3 technologies by creating an engaging ecosystem of community-owned economies. The project utilizes gamified learning experiences and economic incentives to attract and retain users [1].

Key features of Hooked Protocol include:

  • Quiz-to-Earn and other gamified learning experiences
  • Onboarding infrastructure for Web3 newcomers
  • Community-driven ecosystem development
  • Integration with various blockchain networks and Web3 projects

As of 2024, Hooked Protocol has attracted over 2 million members to its community through its pilot product, Wild Cash, which offers Quiz-to-Earn opportunities [1].

Mission and Genesis

The core mission of Hooked Protocol is to build an on-ramp layer for massive Web3 adoption and form an ecosystem of future community-owned economies. The project's founders believe that through gamified learning experiences and economic incentives, they can achieve several key objectives [2]:

  1. Empower individuals with no prior crypto experience to access, earn, and own cryptocurrency
  2. Enable and expedite developers' and applications' streamlined Web3 transformation
  3. Form a vibrant community with scalability and engagement, leveraging decentralized social networks and viral growth

By focusing on these goals, Hooked Protocol aims to create a thriving ecosystem that benefits both individual participants and businesses in the Web3 space.

Token Utility

The native token of Hooked Protocol is called HOOK. It serves multiple purposes within the ecosystem [3]:

  1. Governance: HOOK tokens represent stakes and votes in ecosystem proposals, allowing community members to participate in decision-making processes.
  2. Gas token: HOOK is used as the gas token for all economic activities on the Hooked Application Rollup, a layer-2 infrastructure built on top of layer-1 blockchains to support the DApp ecosystem.
  3. Access token: Holding HOOK tokens grants users access to exclusive community events and the ability to purchase limited edition platform NFTs, which demonstrate community social status and network impact.
  4. Innovation practices: HOOK tokens are utilized in various innovative ways to benefit the overall ecosystem, ensuring liquidity and token value growth in proportion to the community's success.

Partnerships and Ecosystem Development

Hooked Protocol has been actively collaborating with various projects in the Web3 space to expand its ecosystem and provide educational opportunities for its community. A notable example is the ZkSync-themed special learning experience announced in 2024 [4]. This initiative involves partnerships with several industry leaders:

  1. SecondLive: An AI & XR social metaverse project
  2. Holdstation: A pioneering futures trading wallet
  3. WOOFi: A leading decentralized exchange
  4. ZeroLend: An innovator in the lending market
  5. SyncSwap: A platform for seamless and secure token swaps

These partnerships aim to provide Hooked Protocol's community with deep insights into the ZkSync ecosystem and demonstrate practical applications of Web3 technologies [4].


Hooked Protocol leverages several technological components to achieve its goals:

  1. Gamified Learning: The platform uses interactive quizzes and educational content to teach users about Web3 concepts while providing economic incentives [1].
  2. Rollup Infrastructure: Hooked is building a rollup infrastructure on top of layer-1 blockchains to support its DApp ecosystem and improve scalability [3].
  3. Decentralized User Growth Engine: The protocol implements mechanisms to encourage viral growth and community engagement [2].
  4. Web3 Onboarding Solutions: Hooked provides tools and infrastructure to simplify the process of entering the Web3 space for both users and businesses [1].
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Hooked Protocol




September 17, 2024



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