




Kunitake Ando

Kunitake Ando is the CEO of , a company focused on integrating technology with the Internet of Things (IoT). He also serves as a director of the Japan Innovation Network and is the Chairman of the University of Nagano. His current roles involve promoting innovative ecosystems and advancing data security in the IoT sector.[1][7][8]


Ando is from Aichi Prefecture and graduated from the University of Tokyo’s School of Economics. [10]


Sony Corporation

Kunitake Ando joined Sony Corporation soon after graduating. He ascended through various roles, significantly contributing to the development of key products and business divisions. As the 7th President of Sony Corporation, he oversaw the launch of the VAIO notebook line and the Xperia smartphone and played a role in establishing Sony Life Insurance, expanding Sony’s presence in the financial services sector.[9]

Sony Financial Holdings and Sony Life Insurance

As Chairman of Sony Financial Holdings and Sony Life Insurance, Ando led these subsidiaries through their development and growth phases. His leadership demonstrated his ability to manage business operations.[10]


In 2016, Ando became the CEO of , a company aiming to address challenges in the IoT space by integrating technology to enhance data security and user control. Jasmy focuses on creating an ecosystem where personal data is protected and can be utilized effectively. The company has developed an IoT platform named Jasmy.NET, utilizing a private blockchain to ensure the secure operation of IoT devices through . [2][3][4][5][6]

Jasmy’s IoT Infrastructure

developed Jasmy.NET, an IoT platform that uses a private created in cooperation with New Zealand Central Limited. This platform employs an IoT-specific consensus algorithm for rapid block creation, ensuring the secure operation of IoT devices through . Devices connect to Jasmy.NET via communication, enhancing security. The platform supports various connection standards, facilitating the integration of existing devices into the IoT ecosystem.

Personal Data Locker

has developed the “Personal Data Locker”, a platform where users can manage their data securely and decide how much to disclose to businesses or services. Unlike conventional, centralized data management systems, this service employs technology to store data in a decentralized manner. This prevents data falsification and loss, and allows users to track the use of their data by third parties.

The service has been adopted by companies such as Nippon Travel Agency and Witz, which use it to manage customer information and handle personal information related to COVID-19 infections. Jasmy is looking to expand its customer base further.


Jasmy has also created its own , , which is envisioned to be used as a reward for users who share their information. JasmyCoin, listed in Japan in 2021, is held by more than 50,000 people and had a of about $200 million as of the end of July. [2][3][4][9]

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Kunitake Ando

커밋 정보


편집 날짜

July 15, 2024


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Based on over 2 ratings

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