




Inter Protocol

Inter Protocol is a (DeFi) system designed to create and manage IST (Inter Stable Token), a -backed stable token pegged to the US dollar. Developed on the Agoric blockchain, Inter Protocol aims to provide a stable asset for the interchain ecosystem while serving as the native fee token for the Agoric platform. [1][2]


Inter Protocol consists of a set of deployed on the Agoric blockchain that manage the , , stability mechanisms, and of IST. The protocol is designed to maintain IST's parity with the US dollar through various mechanisms, including over-collateralization and liquidation processes. [2]

Key features of Inter Protocol include over collateralized stable token (IST), Native fee token for the Agoric chain, Interoperability with the IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) ecosystem, Multiple minting mechanisms, including Vaults and Parity Stability Module (PSM), Decentralized governance through BLD token holders, and the the Economic Committee (EC) which plays a significant role in managing the protocol.[2][14]

Key Components

IST (Inter Stable Token)

IST is the primary product of Inter Protocol, designed to maintain a 1:1 peg with the US dollar. It serves several purposes within the Agoric ecosystem including a stable medium of exchange, fee token for transactions on the Agoric chain, and collateral for applications. [3]


Vaults are a core feature of Inter Protocol, allowing users to mint IST by locking up collateral assets. Key aspects of Vaults include:

  • Over-collateralization: Users must provide more collateral value than the amount of IST minted
  • Support for multiple collateral types, including ATOM, stATOM, stkATOM, stOSMO, and stTIA. [13]
  • Liquidation mechanism to maintain system solvency[4]

Parity Stability Module (PSM)

The Parity Stability Module has two primary functions:

  1. wantMinted - user gives PSM the accepted external stable token; PSM mints IST and gives it to the user
  2. giveMinted - user gives IST back to the PSM, which is burned; PSM returns the external stable token

Once the user has received IST, they will transfer it to an external chain over the Inter Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. [14][15][16]

Liquidation Auctions

To manage risk and maintain the protocol's stability, Inter Protocol implements a liquidation system:

  • Dutch auction model for collateral liquidation
  • Allows users to bid directly for assets in multiple ways
  • Helps maintain the overall health of the protocol[5]

Oracle Network

Inter Protocol relies on a decentralized oracle network to provide accurate price feeds:

  • Led by Simply Staking and other experienced oracle node operators
  • Uses model and software, adapted for Agoric's framework


The Reserve acts as a central component of Inter Protocol that holds additional over-collateralizing assets, manages to account for the protocol, and provides an emergency fund to cover shortfalls in major liquidations or extreme market volatility. [6]

Economic Committee

The Economic Committee (EC) plays a crucial role in managing the protocol. It consists of crypto, TradFi, economic, and FinTech experts, it is delegated by BLD token holders, and it manages the technical-economic parameters of IST. [7]


Inter Protocol is governed by Agoric BLD token stakers. Key aspects of governance include:

  • BLD token holders can vote on key governance proposals
  • Staking BLD tokens grants voting rights
  • Decisions can impact protocol parameters, upgrades, and other critical aspects[7]


BLD Token

BLD is the governance token for the Agoric ecosystem, including Inter Protocol. Its primary functions are:

  • Voting on governance proposals
  • to secure the network
  • Potential for other utility within the Agoric ecosystem[8][9]

IST Token

IST serves as:

  • A stable asset within the Agoric and broader IBC ecosystem
  • The native fee token for transactions on the Agoric chain
  • A potential building block for other DeFi applications[10][11]

Use Cases

IST and Inter Protocol have several potential use cases within the Agoric and broader IBC ecosystem:


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Inter Protocol

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October 3, 2024


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