





MasterPop, developed by SoonVerse, is a match-three puzzle game that aims to provide an accessible experience for players of all ages. The game involves clearing items from the board to earn the in-game currency, $MPOP.[1]


MasterPop is a match-three puzzle game developed by SoonVerse. The game aims to offer an accessible match-three experience, where players earn $MPOP, the in-game currency. $MPOP can be staked or burned to obtain cMPOP, which is used for acquiring items within the game.

Players also receive Pop Points (PP) through gameplay, which can be converted into $MPOP. MasterPop includes various levels and challenges, seeking to combine entertainment with potential economic benefits.[1][2][3]


MasterPop requires players to match three or more elements to solve puzzles. Props like the Scroll, Joker, and Bomb are created through specific matches and assist in gameplay.

The game has three modes: Beginner, Normal, and Hard. Beginner Mode features ten tutorial levels. Normal Mode includes 160 regular levels and 40 challenging levels, needing one Elixir per level and offering 10 Pop Points (PP) for completion. Hard Mode has 50 regular levels and 150 challenging levels, requiring five Elixirs per level and providing 50 PP for completion.

Elixirs are needed for levels beyond Beginner Mode and can be bought with cMPOP, which is also used for purchasing game props. Players must bind their wallet address on the official website to use $MPOP tokens.[4]

Magic Shop

In MasterPop, the Magic Shop provides items available for purchase with cMPOP.

Props include Amulets and Charms. Amulets, selected before a level starts, offer effects such as clearing grids or rows, while Charms, used during levels, help by adding moves or time.

Magic Chests bundle multiple props and come in S, R, and SR levels, each containing different quantities and types of props.

Elixirs are required to access Normal and Hard modes. They can be obtained through events or purchased with cMPOP, aiming to manage gameplay access. They are available in Plain and Fancy types.[5]

Pop Points (PP)

Pop Points (PP) are scored by clearing levels of varying difficulty and can increase with consecutive wins. Accumulated PP over a 14-day season can be used to participate in the season's MPOP prize pool.[6]



$MPOP is the native and of the game. It aims to reward players for clearing levels and provides additional benefits through staking.[6]


The $MPOP token, with a total supply of 100,000,000 and based on the standard, is allocated as follows:

  • Play to Earn: 48%
  • Community Airdrop: 24%
  • Fair Launch: 10%
  • Staking Reward: 10%
  • Marketing & Listings: 6%
  • Beta Testing Incentive: 2%

The allocation aims to distribute tokens over time: a two-year vesting period applies to Play to Earn and Reward, with a one-month cliff and six-month release for Community . Fair Launch tokens are available immediately.[7]

MasterPop Supreme Whitelist

MasterPop Supreme WL is a limited whitelist for Open Beta Testers that aims to provide early access, future airdrops, special showcases, and bonus rewards.[8]


The $MPOP token has several intended functions within the MasterPop ecosystem:

  • Governance: $MPOP allows holders to vote on proposals related to game features and item pricing.
  • Game Incentives: Rewards from the $MPOP prize pool are distributed based on accumulated Pop Points (PP) each season.
  • Staking: $MPOP in farming pools aims to provide additional rewards, including more $MPOP, Elixirs, and Magic Chests.
  • Burning: Burning $MPOP generates cMPOP, which can be used to acquire various in-game items such as Elixirs and props.[7]


cMPOP is a synthetic token representing the native $MPOP. It is obtained by burning $MPOP and serves as the in-game currency for various functions, including purchasing props, earning rewards, and participating in the $MPOP prize pool.[6]

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September 6, 2024


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