




Mirada AI

Mirada AI is a artificial intelligence platform powered by the MIRX token. It offers a suite of AI-driven services designed to enhance creativity, productivity, and digital interactions.[1]


Mirada AI provides an ecosystem of AI-powered tools and services, including generative AI, intelligent search, and automated bots. Mirada AI's services are accessible through multiple channels, including a web platform, mobile bots on Telegram and Discord, and third-party integrations.[1]

Established in 2023, Mirada AI participated in startup programs from Nvidia, Microsoft, and Google, and has applied to the Ethereum Foundation. The platform is supported by investors including Poolz Ventures, Carbon Ventures, and AWEH Ventures. Mirada AI is also integrated with Carbon Browser.[1][5]

Key Features

Generative AI

Mirada AI's generative capabilities allow users to transform creative ideas into visual and audio content:

  • Image generation
  • Animation creation
  • Audio production

The platform also features an intelligent Large Language Model (LLM) for interactive conversations and smart assistance.[1]

AI Search

Mirada AI incorporates an advanced search function that leverages artificial intelligence to deliver:

  • Relevant and precise answers
  • Unprecedented search speed
  • Enhanced user experience

Bots & Automation

The platform offers customizable bots designed to:

  • Automate community management tasks
  • Reduce operational overheads
  • Enhance user engagement

These bots can be integrated into various messaging platforms, including Telegram and Discord.[1]

Third-party Integrations

Mirada AI provides a robust API and SDK to enable seamless integration with diverse third-party applications. This feature allows developers to incorporate Mirada AI's capabilities into their own products and services.[1]

Accessibility and Availability

Mirada AI's services are accessible through multiple channels:

  1. Web platform: Users can access the full spectrum of AI capabilities through the online platform at
  2. Mobile bots: AI services are available via Telegram and Discord, allowing for integration into groups and channels.
  3. Third-party integrations: Partners like Carbon Browser have incorporated Mirada AI's technology into their products.

The platform offers both free and paid tiers, with the free tier serving as a trial for more advanced features.

Partnership Program

Mirada AI offers a Partner Program that allows third-party developers and businesses to integrate its AI solutions into their products and services. Key aspects of the program include:

  • Flexible AI implementation for various use cases
  • Developer-friendly SDK and API
  • Usage-based pricing model[1]

MIRX Token

The MIRX token is central to Mirada AI’s ecosystem, facilitating access to AI services such as image generation, LLM chat, and animation. It also supports a marketplace for minting and trading .[4][5]

Initial DEX Offering (IDO)

Mirada AI plans an Initial DEX Offering (IDO) on the Poolz and Carbon browser launchpads, with a fully diluted valuation of $10 million.[4][5] The MIRX Token Generation Event (TGE) was scheduled for September 16th, 2024.[6]


Sentinel is an AI-powered moderation tool developed by Mirada AI for managing communities on platforms such as Telegram. It automates various tasks, including spam detection, conflict resolution, and member support. Sentinel is customizable and scalable, capable of real-time moderation across multiple languages.[4]

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Mirada AI

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편집 날짜

September 11, 2024


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