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%OVERRIDE@EDITOR@MARKDOWN%Lunyr is an -based world knowledge base which rewards users with app tokens for peer-reviewing and contributing information. It aims to be the starting point of the internet for finding reliable, accurate information. Its long-term vision is to develop a knowledge base API that developers can use to create next generation in Artificial intelligence, Virtual reality, Augmented reality, and more.[1][2]

Lunyr is a Decentralized knowledge base built on the Blockchain. Lunyr ensures that Users information is verifiable and reliable.


Lunyr project was founded by Arnold Pham, Andrew Tran, and Christopher Smith on 30th of August, 2018. Lunyr was conceived as a DAO. The desktop application is available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

As Earlier Introduced, Lunyr (pronounced “lunar”) is an -based world knowledge base which rewards users with app tokens for peer-reviewing and contributing information. It aim to be the starting point of the internet for finding reliable, accurate information. It is a Decentralized digital encyclopedia that combines Blockchain technology with Wikipedia philosophy. This encyclopedia is based on platform and has inner named Lunyr (LUN). When users contribute to the website, they get some LUN coins as a reward. The token is used to place advertising in the encyclopedia.

Initially, Lunyr was focused on information. However, now it has a lot of other branches such as science, technology, finance, etc.

Lunyr is a peer-to-peer, Decentralized, crowdsourced encyclopedia, which is fully integrated into the Ethereum-ecosystem. Financial logic and basic data are stored in the Ethereum public Blockchain. Content (text, images, video, data) is stored in the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) file system.[3]


Innovative Approach to using Blockchain Technology

Lunyr is unique in its vision, and usage of the Blockchain technology in order to provide a comprehensive, Decentralized, crowdsource, and peer-reviewed vault of knowledge, open and free to everyone.

Revolutionary Lunyr API

Lunyr aims to not only be a knowledge encyclopedia for the web, but also intends to enhance the Blockchain technology by giving DApps ( Decentralized Applications) the ability to tap into the knowledge base and access real-time data. This innovative feature can be used in applications ranging from Virtual Reality to Artificial Intelligence.

Resistant to censorship and incorrect or malicious data

The Decentralized and Peer-to-peer nature of Lunyr allows all content on the knowledge-base to be free from manipulation, and censorship. Since all submissions are peer-reviewed by the community, the chances of incorrect or dubious data making its way onto the encyclopedia are very low.

Decentralized Autonomous Organisation

Lunyr is a Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO), which means that there is no central authority or body governing the Lunyr ecosystem, which allows for truly Decentralized monitoring and upkeep of the network.

Incentives for contributors

Unlike other crowdsourced knowledge databases, Lunyr provides rewards with real-world value for contributors in the form of LUN coins or tokens, which can then be used just like any other Altcoin.

Easy way to advertise services or products

There are an estimated 470 million unique visitors to Wikipedia each month, viewing around 19 billion pages monthly. The ability to advertise products on services on a similar platform, such as Lunyr, is revolutionary and a game-changer in the world of advertising and market penetration.[4]

Benefits of Lunyr

  1. Unlike most other cryptocurrencies, Lunyr is a peer-to-peer, decentralized, and crowdsourced knowledge encyclopedia, which uses tokens called LUN as rewards for peer-reviewing and contributing articles.
  2. It is developed on the Ethereum network and is fully integrated into the ecosystem.
  3. The LUN coins (or tokens) serve as an incentive to users who author articles or review articles written by others. This encourages active participation, the contribution of information and peer-reviewing of articles to ensure quality standards are met and accuracy is maintained. Once a submission is approved, the author receives a reward in the form of contribution points and honor points, CBN and HNR respectively. These points are non-transferrable, ensuring only contributors to the network are holders of CBN and HNR. The CBN is converted to LUN coins after the end of the two week reward period, while HNR points are used as tokens for voting on proposals and disputes.
  4. LUN coins follow the token standard. Owing to nature and intended usage for LUN coins, they are not mineable, and have a fixed total supply of 2,703,
  5. LUN coins will be generated from the advertising revenue, with a growth rate of approximately 3% per year.
  6. LUN coins can also be used to buy ad-space on the platform, unlike Wikipedia which does not allow ads to run on its pages.
  7. Lunyr uses the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) protocol to store data on the platform which allows for easy, , and peer-to-peer content re-distribution and enhancement.
  8. All Lunyr submissions will go through a peer-review process and will be approved for submission only if they pass. This ensures that malicious or incorrect content is not promoted. All users whose submitted articles are approved must also review other submissions.

Lunyr Token (LUN)

Lunyr coin is an ERC20 token, based on the Blockchain. Lunyr ICO ended 24 April 2018 with $300 thousand profit. During the ICO, 20 Lunyr coins were sold for 1 ETH. Now the coin is on 577th place among all Cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Lunyr coin market cap is $2.817. 178. The coin is not minable. 1 LUN coin is worth $1. 23.

LUN coins are used for advertising within the platform. Advertisers place their content on the Lunyr platform at auction, paying with LUN tokens. Advertising space is used in the same way as it does on the Google AdWords platform.

How to buy Lunyr

LUN cannot be mined. Instead, they can be earned as rewards for writing quality articles and peer-reviewing other submissions on the Lunyr knowledge network.

LUN coins can also be used to purchase advertising space on the Lunyr platform.

LUN Wallet

While Lunyr does not have a custom wallet, since it is an token based on Ethereum, this means LUN coins can be stored in any wallet. Some popular choices are MyEtherWallet and Mist Ethereum wallet.


While most cryptocurrency exchanges simply provide users with a platform to buy or sell the LUN , CoinSwitch, the largest cryptocurrency exchange platform, helps users make the right decision by providing the prices for LUN on multiple crypto exchanges. With support for more than 140 coins and 45,000 pairs of cryptocurrencies, They can choose whichever pair they want with their token and compare the prices at exchanges. This way they can choose the best deal.[5]

What’s more - with CoinSwitch, Users do not rely on a separate LUN wallet from the exchange to store their LUN . Instead, all transactions happen to and from their own personal private wallets.[6]

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August 21, 2022

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