James Ferguson

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James Ferguson


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James Ferguson

James Ferguson is one of the co-founders of , a layer-2 scaling solution for the . He has a background in game design and software development, and has been involved in the blockchain industry since 2015. [1]

Early Life & Education

Ferguson has a double degree in commerce and law from the University of Sydney. During his studies, he took a year off to pursue coding in San Francisco. [1][2]


Ferguson started his career in 2015 as the cofounder of Rivlr, an e-sports tournament platform that allowed people to play their online multiplayer games for prizes. Afterwards, he founded Shopyak, a platform used to build single page stores. [1]

Immutable X

In 2015, James and his brother were introduced to and recognized its potential for the enablement of . These contracts are programmed and unalterable, which is why the Fergusons named their business Immutable. [2]

After the launch of , the brothers saw the potential of .

“CryptoPunks was what I would call a proof of concept for a crypto collectible. We thought it was very cool, but for us, the idea of taking that and combining it with video games was so obviously a better system.”

In 2018, they founded , a layer-2 scaling solution for games based on . [2]

“I think all the value in the world – or most value in the world – [will end] up being under the hood, backed by blockchain technology.”

Immutable started as Fuel Games, which was responsible for producing NFT-based games such as Gods Unchained and Guild of Guardians. The company underwent a rebranding in 2019 to Immutable. [2]



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April 14, 2023


