





Grafilab integrates centralized and decentralized GPU resources through its novel CeDePIN aggregator, offering flexible and scalable computing solutions. Its platform enables efficient access to high-performance computing for diverse applications across industries. [1]


Grafilab develops a high-performance computing platform that integrates centralized data centers with decentralized GPU networks. It is a marketplace where investors, developers, and GPU owners can access computing resources, supporting tasks like AI training, 3D rendering, and large-scale data processing for analytics and machine learning. Grafilab's CeDePIN approach combines centralized and decentralized infrastructure to improve transparency and resource allocation. The platform includes educational tools like GPU-focused games on Telegram, options for monetizing unused GPU power, fractional investments, and access to an AI App Store that integrates Web2 and technologies. The AI Co-Builder Program also supports AI project development using community-contributed GPU infrastructure. [2]


CeDePIN, or Centralized and , is a computing infrastructure model that integrates centralized data centers with decentralized GPU networks. This approach provides users with broad access to computing resources through Grafilab's platform, which serves as a marketplace for investors, developers, and GPU owners to utilize computing power. [3]

The CeDePIN model operates as a GPU as a Service (GAAS) ecosystem, connecting operators, users, and governance through the GRAFI token. Operators include: [3][10]

  • Investors (Private GPU): Participate in GPU pools managed by Grafilab and hosted in high-standard data centers globally. Investors can purchase licenses and secure a stake in these private GPU pools without technical expertise.
  • Contributors (Public GPU): Contribute underutilized GPU resources to a global network.

Users and developers can rent GPU power or perform AI, ML, or rendering tasks through Grafilab’s platform. [3][10]

Architecture Flow

In the Grafi Network, the Application Layer manages GPU resources and becomes available for allocation. Users seeking to rent GPU power submit their requests through the GRAFI Cloud Console. The Data Availability Layer ensures that the data required for each task is accurate and secure. The Infrastructure Layer, which includes the Scheduler and Job Executor, assigns tasks to the appropriate GPU, effectively linking supply and demand while ensuring efficient and accurate execution. [4] wiki

Architecture Layers


User Layer

GRAFI User Console

The Grafi User Console is designed to meet the diverse needs of users within the Grafilab ecosystem, providing tools to manage GPU resources effectively. Investors can use the Private Agent portal for fractional GPU ownership and passive income, while Contributors actively manage and monetize their GPUs through the Public Agent portal. Developers and enterprises can rent GPU power for various tasks, and AI developers can collaborate with GPU operators via the Co-Builder Marketplace to scale their models and share success. [9]

Application Layer


The Grafi Agent is software that users install to collect and transmit GPU performance data, enabling their participation in Grafi’s CeDEPIN GPU cloud. It offers seamless integration with the Grafi network, real-time performance monitoring with detailed statistics via the Grafi Cloud Console, and secure data transmission through end-to-end encryption. The agent is compatible with both Linux and Windows platforms and is designed to have minimal impact on system performance while maximizing GPU utilization. [8]wiki

GRAFI Rent & Run

GRAFI Rent & Run is a portal designed for developers and enterprises to manage GPU resources effectively. It offers tools for performance monitoring, subscription management, billing integration, and flexible scheduling for on-demand or future use, providing adaptable computing solutions. [8]wiki

GRAFI Co-Builder

GRAFI Co-Builder is an AI marketplace that connects AI developers with GPU contributors from the Grafi Selective Cloud. The platform enables developers to deploy models and collaborate with GPU owners, offering revenue-sharing opportunities from AI services. This setup encourages ecosystem partnerships, benefiting developers and GPU contributors. [8]

Infrastructure Layer


The Grafi Cloud Console is a web-based application facilitating user interaction with the Grafilab ecosystem. It enables users to sign up, search for and rent GPU resources, download Grafi Agent software to become supply providers, and host AI models. GPU supply providers can log in to monitor their performance statistics, earnings, and contributions. [7]

The platform includes user authentication and profile management features, a dashboard for activity overview, detailed analytics and reports, and the ability to download and install Grafi Agent software. Users can search for GPUs based on performance, location, and cost and rent GPUs with real-time availability and pricing. The console supports AI model deployment and integration with popular frameworks, providing monitoring and management tools for hosted models. Billing and payment functionalities offer cost estimates, secure transactions, and billing history management. Additionally, users can access a help center and customer support for assistance. [7]

GRAFI General Cloud

The GRAFI General Cloud is a flexible pool of GPU resources designed to meet various general computing needs, such as AI training, data analysis, and graphics rendering. It efficiently allocates GPUs for tasks requiring reliable and scalable computing power, making it suitable for users and developers working on standard applications. [7]

GRAFI Selective Cloud

The GRAFI Selective Cloud is designed for specialized computing needs, specifically supporting the Grafi Co-Builder program. It connects AI developers with GPU resources optimally matched to their project requirements, allowing for more targeted and efficient computing solutions. This setup also encourages direct partnerships between AI developers and GPU contributors interested in specific AI projects. [7]

Data Availability Layer


GRAFI Data is a data within the Grafi Network that integrates off-chain and on-chain data, bridging traditional computing environments with technology. It provides secure storage of detailed information on GPU subscriptions, user activity, and available computational power, which is crucial for managing GPU resources throughout their lifecycle. The platform offers insights into network resource allocation and usage, facilitating efficient distribution and reducing bottlenecks. Leveraging technology ensures all transactions and operational data are immutable and transparent, creating an auditable record that enhances user trust. Additionally, GRAFI Data supports decentralized applications by supplying reliable, real-time data and aids decentralized autonomous organizations with the information needed for governance, voting, and resource management. [5]


GRAFI tokens are the main currency within Grafilab, used for transactions between users buying processing power and operators offering computational resources. Operators earn rewards for contributing GPU power. As Grafilab shifts to a , GRAFI token holders gain governance rights to propose and vote on platform changes. Additionally, new operators must GRAFI tokens to participate, with these tokens acting as security against misconduct, ensuring alignment with the platform's goals. There are three primary ways to earn $GRAFI tokens in Grafilab: [6]

  1. Daily Mining Reward: Earned by supplying hardware to the network and maintaining uptime. Rewards depend on connection speed, uptime ratio, hardware type, and .
  2. Service Fee: Earned when a user hires selected hardware, calculated by the hourly rate multiplied by reserved hours.
  3. Staking Reward: Earned by $GRAFI tokens, which can also boost daily rewards and ensure quality hardware on the network. Public stakers can also participate for rewards.

Grafi DAO

Governance is managed by the Grafi , where $GRAFI token holders make decisions about the operation and growth of CePIN. This governance structure ensures that the network aligns with community interests and adapts to technological advancements through strategic planning and collective action. [10]


Pre-Seed Funding

On July 28th, 2024, Grafilab successfully raised $500k in a pre-seed funding round led by Raijin Ventures. [12]

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August 23, 2024


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