Olympus DAO
**Olympus DAO** is a decentralized reserve currency protocol utilizing the OHM token, featuring a treasury, bonding, and staking mechanisms to manage supply. It...
DAOs类别涵盖了所有种类的去中心化自治组织,从DeFi DAOs像Olympus DAO到专注于知识的DAOs像BrainDAO。
Remilia Corporation is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and digital art collective known for creating the Milady Maker NFT series.
已编辑 1 年前
Messier (M87) is a utility ecosystem integrating AI and decentralized products, centered around a DAO for generating revenue, staking rewards, and buybacks.
已编辑 5 个月前
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are blockchain-based entities governed by code and token holders, operating without central government influence.
已编辑 6 个月前
Ubiquity DAO is an Ethereum-based organization developing the Ubiquity Dollar (uAD) for metaverse economy and crypto gaming, founded in November 2020.
已编辑 6 个月前
**Olympus DAO** is a decentralized reserve currency protocol utilizing the OHM token, featuring a treasury, bonding, and staking mechanisms to manage supply. It...
Ubiquity DAO is an Ethereum-based organization developing the Ubiquity Dollar (uAD) for metaverse economy and crypto gaming, founded in November 2020.
Messier (M87) is a utility ecosystem integrating AI and decentralized products, centered around a DAO for generating revenue, staking rewards, and buybacks.
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are blockchain-based entities governed by code and token holders, operating without central government influence.
ConstitutionDAO (PEOPLE) is a decentralized autonomous organization formed to bid on a rare U.S. Constitution copy, raising $47 million but ultimately outbid.
LeisureMeta is a DAO project leveraging blockchain to support Web3 digital economies, enabling fair compensation for creators through DApps and token-based gove...