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AMLT is a  that powers the AMLT Network and Coinfirm AML Platforms. It was co-founded by Pawel Kuskowski, Blaisdell Grant, Fijolek Jakub and Aleksander Pawel, and. It operates on the  platform. AMLT has a total supply of 400,000,000 AMLT.

AMLT stands for Anti Money Laundering Token.[2][3]


AMLT is administered by Coinfirm Limited which has offices in London, UK; Warsaw, Poland; Toruń, Poland; and Tokyo, Japan.[1]


The AMLT Network is the first of its kind system where users can report nefarious addresses related to ransomware, hacks, scams, and other fraud, plus also receive protection from further actions by bad actors. Once data provided is verified by Coinfirm and implemented into the AML Platform, the ecosystem can blacklist suspicious users and funds. Information Providers are rewarded in AMLT for supplying legitimate data on nefarious actors, or data on themselves and other parties they trust.

AMLT Network believes that users are the backbone of a secure and transparent  economy. That is why Coinfirm AML/CTF Platform together with its AMLT network decided to create the global standard for AML/CTF and enable transparency for and  structured transactions.

AMLT tokens are the fuel behind the AMLT Network as well as the industry-leading Coinfirm AML Platform. AMLT token is not only the incentive for its network users but also the preferred means of payment for Coinfirm solutions and products used by key crypto entities, financial institutions, banks, and foremost cryptos such as .[7][8][9]

AMLT Token

AMLT (Anti Money Laundering Token) is an token on the . Created by the recognized Regtech leader Coinfirm, AMLT is the first dedicated token ensuring transparency and democratizing compliance of the financial system by allowing market participants to help determine the potential risk of others.[4]


AMLT had an Initial Coin Offering on 12th December 2017 and it ended on 30th January 2018. The ICO realized a total of $19,040,000, being 119% of the $16,000,000 that was expected. The ICO Token Price was 1 AMLT = 0.0003387075 ETH.


Total supply - 400,000,000 AMLT
Token type - [5]


Pawel Kuskowski - Co-Founder & CEO

Aleksander Pawel - Co-Founder & CIO

Fijolek Jakub - Co-Founder & CTO

Blaisdell Grant - Co-Founder & CMO[6]

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Edited On

January 19, 2023


