




Matrix AI

Matrix AI Network is an open-source platform that combines AI and , aiming to improve scalability, security, and efficiency in [1]


Matrix AI Network is a platform that combines AI with the goal of addressing issues like slow transaction speeds, security concerns, and inefficiency in traditional . Since its 2019 launch, it has aimed to improve performance through various stages. Matrix 1.0 focused on AI-optimized technology, while Matrix 2.0 worked to develop an AI economy involving data and computing power.

The current stage, Matrix 3.0, explores combining neuroscience, AI, and to create digital avatars in the using brain signals. The platform also supports global projects, including the Belt and Road Development Research Center.[1][2][3]


Avatar Intelligence (AvI)

Avatar Intelligence (AvI) is a Matrix AI Network technology that aims to simulate human brain activity using EEG signals to create digital avatars for and the . As part of the Matrix 3.0 initiative, it seeks to integrate neuroscience, AI, and for potential applications in both virtual and real-world contexts.[4]


MANTA is a distributed machine learning platform on the Matrix Mainnet that aims to use automated machine learning (Auto-ML) and distributed computing to efficiently search for accurate, low-latency deep learning models.[4][5]


MANAS (Matrix AI Network AI Service) is a decentralized AI platform built on Matrix's . It aims to provide AI services, including image recognition, by utilizing distributed computing resources. Developers can integrate these services into their applications through an , which aims to offer scalable and adaptable AI solutions.[4][10]


MAN Intelligent Authentication (MANIA) is a Matrix AI Network platform that aims to authenticate and trade AI algorithms as . It utilizes and distributed storage to address intellectual property challenges, providing features such as traceable ownership and privacy-preserving computation. The platform seeks to enhance the protection of AI intellectual property and integrate AI with the market.[4][6][7]

Intelligent Contract

The Intelligent Contract platform aims to convert natural language descriptions into Solidity code, allowing users without programming experience to define and create contracts. The latest version, Intelligent Contract Version 2, seeks to improve natural language processing, broaden support for various contract standards, and integrate advanced security features to enhance accessibility, customization, and security in development.[4][8]


Morpheus is a bilingual language model developed on Matrix infrastructure that aims to advance natural language processing. With 30 billion parameters and training on over 100 trillion text identifiers, Morpheus seeks to improve language understanding and generation.

It incorporates techniques such as Rotary Position Embedding and DeepNorm to enhance performance. The model is intended for integration with Matrix's Avatar Intelligence system and is designed to evolve with future updates. Upcoming objectives include additional training, exploring Mixture-of-Experts technology, and developing capabilities for personalized conversations.[4][9]


Persona is a chatbot platform built on MATRIX's large language model, Morpheus. It aims to simulate characters by setting predefined personality traits and knowledge. The platform incorporates features like personality settings, contextual understanding, and privacy protection. Persona seeks to offer tailored interactions and improve over time through user feedback while maintaining user data security.[4]


Matrix Bio-Wallet aims to provide secure storage for crypto assets using finger vein recognition technology. Developed by Matrix's AI scientists, it utilizes finger vein patterns to process and sign transactions.[4]


MANITO (MAN Industry Tech Open-Platform) is a key component of MATRIX 2.0. It aims to provide an industrial network service by integrating technology with artificial intelligence, Big Data, and the Internet of Things.[4]


M-PORT is a decentralized identity (DID) platform that utilizes biometric data, such as finger vein recognition, to enhance digital identity management. It aims to provide verification for , support by using biometric data for on-chain credit assessments, and improve fairness in distributions. Additionally, M-PORT seeks to facilitate the transfer of credibility across different . The platform aims to contribute to the development of the ecosystem.[4][11]


Matrix AI Token ($MAN)

MAN tokens are used for transaction fees on the Matrix network. The total supply is 250 million, with around 180 million in circulation as of 2024.[12]


The allocation of MAN tokens is distributed as follows:

  • 15% was sold during the ICO.
  • 10% is held by the foundation for business and community development (not directly released to the market).
  • 25% of the tokens are currently in circulation.
  • 40% is reserved for mining rewards.
  • 35% is allocated for community initiatives, hardware development, and the team (with a two-year lock on team tokens).

According to Matrix AI, it will take decades for the full supply to enter circulation.[12]


The MAN token serves several functions within the MATRIX AI Network, including:

  • Utilization: Aims to facilitate participation in the consensus process, transaction fee payments, and access to AI services.
  • Governance: Allows holders to engage in decision-making by voting on protocol updates and network matters.
  • Staking: Enables holders to stake tokens and earn rewards while contributing to the network's operation.
  • Liquidity: Traded on cryptocurrency exchanges, providing liquidity to users.
  • Security: The network incorporates security measures designed to protect assets and data.
  • Scalability: Aims to support high transaction scalability for greater efficiency.
  • Decentralization: Supports a decentralized structure for conducting secure, transparent transactions.
  • AI Integration: Incorporates AI technologies intended to enhance network functionality and access to AI services.[4]
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Matrix AI




September 8, 2024



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