




Frederic Fernandez

Frederic Fernandez is the CMO and co-founder of , a platform that provides real-time charts, history, and all token information from for traders in decentralized markets. [1][2]


Fernandez graduated from Universidade da Coruña in 2018 with a Marine Engineering, Technology/Industrial Technician degree. From 2019 to 2021, he attended ILERNA FP, where he learned about Web Development. [1]


At the beginning of his career, Fernandez worked as a Logistics Operator at Vegalsa-Eroski from 2019 to 2020. He discovered in November 2017 and served as a Cryptocurrency Trader and Analyst for a long time.

In June 2020, he co-founded alongside , where he serves as the organization's Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). is a comprehensive and interactive platform for analyzing and executing asset trading in one place. [1][3]

" is a platform and web app for trading that gives you real-time info directly from the . We try so that our users can improve their trading abilities and develop more optimal trading strategies"



In a AMA, Fernández discussed development, integration of the , and plans. He explained that began as a project for before expanding to , driven by community demand. While the platform values community input, it was unlikely to transition into a full due to legal challenges. Fernández emphasized that the platform's success relied on product quality and community engagement rather than traditional marketing. He also mentioned ongoing developments, including a token explorer and an in-platform aggregator, to enhance user experience. [6]

About DEXTools

In an interview with BitcoinPendium, Fernández discussed the origins and development of . He explained how began as a personal project to assist with trading on , particularly during the volatile market of 2018. Despite challenges, including server overloads due to unexpected user growth, the team persevered and expanded the platform's features, such as the Pool Explorer and Wallet Info tools. Fernández also shared his views on , seeing it as a store of value rather than a currency for everyday transactions. [7]

Founders Chat

In the fireside chat on Academy’s YouTube, Fernández and discussed the origins and evolution of , initially developed to provide trading tools for the market. Starting with a focus on , the platform quickly adapted to the rise of and other . They introduced new features, including a token creation tool to combat scams and a portfolio management interface. The founders also outlined plans to launch "Coindex" to compete with major data platforms. They emphasized their commitment to balancing educational resources with advanced tools for new and experienced users. [8]

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Frederic Fernandez

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September 9, 2024


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