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SKY is a native currency of the decentralized (prev. ). It is an upgrade of \


In August 2024,  rebranded to Sky and announced the names of its upgraded tokens, and which holders of its old tokens,  and , can switch to. The release of the names followed its confirmation of upgrades to its token ecosystem. [1][4]

In September 2024, was launched, joining to power the open and sustainable . By upgrading MKR to SKY at a rate of 1:24,000, users can interact with the Sky ecosystem. [1][2]

While only MKR can still be used to vote onchain for governance proposals, decentralized SKY token voting is planned for the future. Users will also be able to Activate and Seal their SKY tokens to accumulate Activation Token Rewards. With the Sky Protocol, users can receive rewards without giving up control of their supplied assets. Upgrading is optional. [1][2][3]


Although is still being used as a governance token in the , the token is planned for governance use in the future. Through a voting process, SKY holders would determine the business logic and risk management parameters for each collateral asset and type of CDP. [2]

The governance voting process is set to follow a continuous approval voting method, enabling holders to cast votes for multiple proposals using their MKR holdings. They would also have the flexibility to create new proposals or modify their existing votes at any time. [2][3]

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편집 날짜

November 11, 2024


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