Ethcon Korea

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Ethcon Korea

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Ethcon Korea

Ethcon Korea is a non-profit developer conference taking place in South Korea. Their mission is to facilitate the empowerment of local communities by establishing connections between Korea and the global community. This is achieved through the promotion and adoption of decentralized protocols, tools, and cultural exchange. [1]

2023 Edition

Ethcon 2023, scheduled from September 1st (Friday) to September 3rd (Sunday), 2023, at Platz2 in Seoul, aims to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among diverse participants. By organizing both a Hackathon and a Conference, the event aims to create a unique synergy that brings together builders, speakers, mentors, and teams. The goal is to encourage collaboration, facilitate learning, and promote the exchange of ideas and expertise among all attendees. [1]

Ethcon-Korea.png2020 Edition

Ethcon Korea 2020 took place on December 19 and 20. Day 1 speakers included:

Day 2 speakers included:

The team of mentors for the hackathon included Alex Yamashita of Meta Cartel Ventures, Patrick Collins of , Adrian Li of DFX Finance, and Barry Whitehat of Ethereum Foundation.

2019 Edition

Ethcon Korea 2019 took place on May 27 and 28, 2019, at Seoul Coex Grand Ballroom. The event featured 60 speakers, 500 participants, 16 donors, 16 sponsors, and 11 media partners. [2]

Ethereum 101

The Ethereum 101 program was part of the 2019 edition. It provided participants with an opportunity to acquire knowledge in coding smart contracts. It was conducted on May 27th and 28th, 2019, and consisted of two distinct segments. The initial part focused on Vyper, while the latter part covered Solidity. [3]

Participating companies included Berith, Atomrigs Consulting, Cosmic BC, Dcent, Haechi Labs, Metadium, Planetarium, SOOHO, Status, Nonce, CryptoQuant,, Wego, and Penta Security. [4]

Quadratic Funding

Ethcon supports Quadratic Funding, which is a funding mechanism designed to equitably distribute resources among projects according to community support. Quadratic Funding ensures that even small contributions can greatly influence the final allocation of funds. Ethcon maintains the belief that this approach fosters a more democratic and inclusive community, and takes pride in its support for Quadratic Funding. [1]

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Profile picture of Anonymous uservzbrv

Edited On

July 17, 2023


