SYNC Network
SYNC Network is a trustless ERC-20 token that gives Uniswap liquidity providers incentives for locking their liquidity for a specified duration by using a new NFT called the cryptobond.[1][2]
SYNC Network is a Liquidity Supporting Platform that brings Cryptobonds to the Cryptocurrency market place. Cryptobonds are newly established Financial Non-fungible token . The platform was built in a bid to strengthen and solidify cryptocurrency generally. A wide variation of tokens is available for Cryptobonds creation.[3]
Cryptobonds are non-fungible token (ERC721) having collectible characteristics, increasing interest rates and also being able to trade separately and venture into them with the secondary market. Cryptobonds share similarity with the traditional finance bond due to the fact that it is long term, but there is yet a clear disparity in the structure of each. Cryptobonds gets its name from bonding of liquidity pairs with the SYNC token. The created Cryptobonds can be traded in situations where users do not want to wait for bond to mature and can also be bought from other holders of CryptoBonds ready to sell. The SYNC Network employs tradeable stakes bonding Uniswap liquidity pairs with the SYNC token to address the challenges faced by other projects in the Decentralized Finance universe overcoming the very fundamental issues .
Cryptobond Interest Rates
SYNC balances itself through daily, self-correcting interest rates. The interest rates of bonds are dependent on three major factors;
Overall supply of sync in the market.
Period of bond
Total bonded amount of that liquidity pair token
Adaptive Smart Contracts
The SYNC Network is composed of two major contracts, the SYNC which is an ERC-20 contract and the other the Crypto Bond ERC-721 contract. SYNC tokens do not have a definite total supply with inflationary and deflationary characteristics through the interactions with Crypto Bond creators.[4]
The adaptive smart contract of the Cryptobonds have several unique features which are discussed below;
- Users are able to transfer with ease Cryptobonds to another wallet address at only the expense of a gas fee.
- Traders have full control trading their Cryptobonds at market value.
- Cryptobonds provide an absolute baseline for a liquidity pool. Liquidity cannot be removed before the Cryptobonds maturation.
The SYNC currently has a total supply of 30 million tokens with its Fair Release initiated on the 30th of November 2020 for the remaining tokens. The Fair Release made available a total of 600 million tokens through one year. Tokens that eventually become locked in CryptoBonds are taken away from the total supply.[5]