




10k Club

The 10k Club is a category of names that are 3 digits long and range from 0000-9999. [5]


The 10k Club began after the first popular ENS digits club the ENS 999 club got minted out in March of 2022. In an interview with the Hedgehog Blog ENS influencer, , explained how the 10k Club started. "As soon as they [the 999 club] minted out, people were like — okay fuck it we're going to mint it out all the way to 10k [0000.eth to 9999.eth]. I was like, 'you guys are insane, that's never going to happen'. It took years for the [first] 999 to sell out!". "[But,] the 10k sold out in about a day and a half. I couldn't believe it." [1][2] [4]

The ENS marketplace was one of the first marketplaces to adopt and support the 10k club with its own category on the site. Other marketplaces which offer support for the category include [5] [6]

Notable Sales

On September 27, 2022, 7000.eth sold for a record 28 ETH in a sale on from 0x9.eth to lisa168.eth, an ENS collector with several 3,4, and 5 digit ENS. [3]

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10k Club

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Edited On

October 14, 2022

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