Alex Melikhov

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Alex Melikhov

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Alex Melikhov

Alex Melikhov is the Chief executive officer of Equilibrium and the Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Oxygen. He is also an Ethereum and EOS smart contracts specialist.[1]


He attended Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) in 2000 and graduated with a Masters of Science in Applied Mathematics in 2006.


In September 2004 he worked at CONCEPT-COM telecommunications as a Chief Executive Officer but later left in July 2012 after working there for 7 years. In May 2012 he became the co-owner of VenBest LLC.

He has been involved in the cryptocurrency world since 2013 and has over 14 years of entrepreneurial and fintech experience that includes co-founding a cryptocurrency exchange.

He worked for three years at WireFlier as an executive. He worked on Fintech, a mass payout solutions for local markets.

In 2016, he co-founded his first crypto business. He is the co-founder and chief operating officer of Oxygen. Oxygen is a decentralized CryptoRepo Platform. Oxygen aims at making users crypto assets work harder: They achieve it by generating income from lending , raising liquidity against crypto collateral and borrowing crypto assets to go short.

He currently works as a Chief Executive Officer for Equilibrium he started working there in October 2018. Equilibrium, aims to empower decentralized finance and accelerate the development of both an emerging Defi economy and the future of money.

Equilibrium is accelerating the development of an emergent Defi economy and the future of money. It is located in London, United Kingdom. In an interview he was asked his motivation for launching a collateral backed stablecoin.

His response was that during the time of their launch the company was considering Blockchain platforms that could offer more convenient dev environments and better infrastructure prospects. They soon came upon EOSIO as it was due to its zero transaction costs and its promising network capacity. He and his team decided to make EOSIO the first Blockchain platform for Equilibrium.

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Edited On

August 2, 2022


