Andy Coravos

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Andy Coravos

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Andy Coravos

Andrea Coravos is a Co-founder of Elektra Labs.


Andy started her career in 2007, being a Game Operations and Marketing Intern at Washington Capitals. In 2008, she served as a DukeEngage Fellow at Social Entrepreneur Corps. From 2009 to 2013, Andy worked at McKinsey & Company. In 2013, she got a position of an Associate at KKR Capstone. In 2015, she quitted the company to join Dev Bootcamp as a Full-stack Software developer. In summer 2016, Andy served as a Software engineer at Instacart.[1]

From 2016 to 2017, Andy became a Co-founder at Ummo and worked as a Software engineer at Akili Interactive Labs. Currently, she is a Co-founder of Elektra Labs and Fellow of Computational Health Informatics Program (CHIP) at Boston Children's Hospital.[2]


Andy holds a B.Sc in Economics from Duke University.[3]

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August 2, 2022


