Ayako Miyaguchi

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Ayako Miyaguchi

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Ayako Miyaguchi

Ayako Miyaguchi is an Advisor at Kraken and Executive director of Ethereum Foundation.


From 1997 to 2007, Ayako worked as a Highschool Teacher at Nagoya City Board of Education. From 2007 to 2009, she was a Special Project Intern at Japan America Society of Southern California. In 2010-2011, she served as a Marketing/Public Relations Intern at Intrax. In 2011, Ayako was a MBA Advisor at Centro Community Partners and Net Impact VP Marketing at San Francisco State University.[1]

In 2012, Ayako co-founded TABLE FOR TWO, a Nonprofit organization that simultaneously addresses hunger in the developing world and life-style related diseases in the developed world. Currently, she is an Advisor at Kraken and Executive director of Ethereum Foundation.[2]


Ayako is a graduate of Nanzan University and San Francisco State University College of Business.[3]

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July 27, 2022

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