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Belugies NFT is the cutest collection of hand-illustrated, algorithmically created NFTs in the Solana Blockchain. Belugies was hand-illustrated by a 14-year-old artist and has donated $200,000.00 to multiple nonprofit organizations including Beluga Whale Alliance, Ocean Defenders Alliance, and Sunshine Kids Children with cancer foundation[1][2].

The Story

"Belugies," her initiative on the Solana blockchain, is a collection of 8,000 cartoon beluga whale NFTs. Abigail created the project's artwork by hand, with the intention of donating a percentage of the proceeds to beluga conservation and a children's hospital program.

The high school student claims she first learnt about cryptocurrencies while riding her bike with her elder brother Adam when she was nine years old. Adam, who has been highly involved with cryptocurrency since 2016, claimed he and his fiancee Briana assisted with the technology.

During an interview with a journalist, her statement:

"We didn't expect it would work out when we started," Adam, who declined to give his last name, told CoinDesk. "Hey, if it doesn't work, at least we tried, at least we had fun," I told my sister. That's the only thing that matters.'

All 8,000 NFTs were produced within 10 hours of the project's launch on Oct. 17, earning the siblings over $1 million in SOL tokens.The inspiration for the artwork came from Abigail’s childhood adoration of beluga whales after she saw them at a Georgia Aquarium near where she grew up.

She's given $100,000 of the revenues from the Belugies NFT to beluga conservation efforts. The Beluga Whale Alliance, an Alaskan organization that campaigns for and researches the Cook Inlet pod, received half of the funds. The remaining half was donated to the Océan Defenders Alliance, which works to eliminate fishing nets and plastic pollution that endangers marine life.

Abigail credits much of the project’s success to the belugas themselves for being so “wholesome and adorable,” which she attempted to convey in her artwork.


The team comprises of three other people (plus two developers) who are also Abigail's family and friend unit, also referred to as Pods in the whale world. The team duties include design, web development, company planning, community involvement, and leadership are among our abilities.

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Edited By

Profile picture of Anonymous uservzbrv

Edited On

August 2, 2022


