Cristina Dolan

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Cristina Dolan

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Cristina Dolan

Cristina Dolan is a Co-founder of iXledger and insideCHAINS.


Cristina started her career in 1984, working in Marketing & Sales at IBM. In addition, from 1988 to 1994 she was a Member of the US BobSled and Skeleton Team.[1][2]

From 1994 to 1999, Cristina served as a Director of Operations at iCUBE, Hearst, ABC Multimedia Group and Oracle. In 1998, she became a Co-founder of the Geographic Communities at OneMain. Later, Cristina served as a President at WordStream and General Partner at Rudyard Partners. From 2009 to 2017, she was a Global Head of Marketing, Content, Communities & Communications Products at TradingScreen.[2]

Currently, Cristina is a Co-founder of iXledger and insideCHAINS. In addition, she is a partner at FIX Trading Community, Forbes Technology Council, Dream it. Code it. Win it. and Smartmatic.[4]


Cristina has a Master of Media Arts and Science from the MIT Media Lab, where she also took courses at Sloan and HBS. She also has a Master of Computer Science Engineering and a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with concentrations in Computer Science, Communications Technologies and Business.[3]

Leadership and Volunteering

Currently Cristina serves on the MIT Enterprise Forum of New York City board and the MIT Alumni Association Selection Committee. She is the former President of the MIT Club of New York.[4]

In 2014, Dolan was honored by Traders Magazine with a Charitable Works Award for her work with Dream it. Code it. Win it.[4]

The table below outlines all of Dolan's various leadership and volunteer efforts.

Dream it. Code it. Win it.Organizer and FounderOctober 2013 – PresentSTEM, Education
MIT Enterprise Forum of New YorkOfficer and SecretaryJune 2010 – PresentEducation
MIT Alumni Association Selection Committee MemberMIT AA Representative, Elected by AlumniJuly 2012Education
MIT Enterprise Forum Global BoardBoard MemberJuly 2014 – PresentScience, Technology
MIT Club of New York (MIT Alumni Association)President of the MIT Club of New YorkJuly 2006 – June 2008Education
MIT Club of New York (MIT Alumni Association)VP of Communications and EVPJuly 2003 – June 2006Education
MIT Enterprise Forum Global BoardDirector, Sponsorship ChairJuly 2005 – June 2008Science Technology
Kauffman FoundationInnovation Accelerator FoundationJune 2007 – July 2009Education
MIT Council for the ArtsDirector and MemberJuly 2008 – PresentEducation, Art
Teaching MattersDirectorJuly 2009 – June 2012Education
New York Venture Capital Association (Formerly VIANY)Executive DirectorJune 2009 – November 2010Science Technology
New York City OperaMember of Education Board and Internet AdvisorJune 1996 – June 2005Education
Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich ConnecticutOfficer, Treasurer and Nominating Chair and DirectorJune 1999 – June 2006Education
Convent of the Sacred HeartAlumnae Board Director and Officer (Secretary)July 2004 – July 2009Education
NFTE - National Association for Teaching EntrepreneurialismMentorOctober 2001 – June 2003Education
Guggenheim MuseumCo-Executive ProducerJune 1996 – September 1997Art, Culture
MIT Corporate Joint Advisory CouncilMIT Corporation Joint Advisory Council Member (Student)September 1992 – June 1994Education
MIT Athletics BoardBoard MemberJune 1992 – July 1994Education, Sports
IEEEBoard Member - Computer Society and Communications Society CommitteesJune 1988 – June 1990Education

Dream it, Code it, Win it.

In October 2013, Dolan launched Dream it. Code it. Win it., a "Create-A-Thon" to award high school and college students more than $70,000 in cash and prizes for their creations using computer science tools.

Dream it. Code it. Win it. held its inaugural "create-a-thon" at the Cooper Union Great Hall in New York City on the evening of April 30, 2014. The awards ceremony was preceded by a panel discussion, which included: Joi Ito from the MIT Media Lab, Mike Perlis the CEO of Forbes, Jeanne Sullivan the co-founder of StarVest Partners, Philippe Buhannic the CEO of TradingScreen, Erik Nordlander an Engineering Partner at Google Ventures, Teresa A. Dahlberg the Dean at Cooper Union, and Alex Diaz the Head of Product Development at Yahoo!.[1]

The contest was sponsored by Cooper Union, TradingScreen, Silicon Valley Bank, MedAffinity EHR, SorinRand, and Richard Berman Publications. The prize money was sponsored by the MIT alumni community, Tekserve, TradingScreen, and other small organizations.[4]

The Dream it. Code it. Win it. contest was positively received by the media and thought leaders in the Computer Science and STEM space. Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson wrote a piece about the contest on his blog, which was also featured on Business Insider.  The Better (TV series) Show interviewed contest organizer, Cristina Dolan, and Ernie Anastos from Fox 5 News also covered the event as well.  Winners were interviewed by their local school newspapers as well.[2]

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Edited On

August 12, 2022

Reason for edit:

social media and citations added


