Evan Kuo

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Evan Kuo

Evan Kuo is the founder and Chief executive officer of  (Cryptocurrency), a DeFi protocol that seeks to completely rebuild the way money is designed both inside and outside of .[1][2]


Evan Kuo attends the University of California, Berkeley where he earns his BS in Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering in 2006.


Evan started his career at Managed TAO (Targeting, Analytics, and Optimization) as the Product Manager Display Network.[1] Thereafter, he works as the Product Manager - Right Media Exchange for Yahoo for a year, with the tasks of constrained Nonlinear Optimization, Data Warehousing, Ad-serving, and acquired by Yahoo! from BlueLithium.

From 2008 to 2010, Evan was the VP product at “Sharethrough” where he developed Core Ad-server, developed Creative Templates, developed Data Warehouse and Reporting Interface, and delivered and Supported Campaigns.[2]

In March 2010, he became the founder of “Crowdrally”. The platform that is responsible for the early innovator in Facebook newsfeed advertisement, built a Facebook fan page network of over 10,000 pages, achieved Collective User over 40 million, and developed in-stream view tracking and reporting platform. He has extensive experience developing predictive auction products and working with venture capital.[3]

In January 2015, Evan was the founder and CEO of “Easy As Pi, Inc” in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also skilled at iOS Engineering, Database Engineering, Systems Engineering, Fundraising, Branding, Marketing, Interaction Design, and Thermodynamics Research. He is currently the founder and CEO of Ampleforth (Cryptocurrency).[4][5]

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Edited On

August 24, 2022


