Jane Lippencott

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Jane Lippencott

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Jane Lippencott

Jane Lippencott is a Co-Founder & Head of Academic Partnerships & Programmes at ZenCash.


Jane started her career in 2015 as an Accounting Intern at Monexo Innovations Limited and Finance & Asset Management Intern at China Silver Asset Management (Hong Kong) Ltd. In 2016, she became a Group Purchasing & Procurement Intern at Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts and Financial Analyst Intern at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. In 2017, Jane served as an Analyst Intern at SOSV and Venture Capital & Corporate Innovation Intern at Nest.vc. [1]

Currently, Jane is a Co-founder & Head of Academic Partnerships & Programmes at ZenCash. She is also a Blockchain Co-Director of KX Knowledge Exchange Innovation Center and Advisor at BlockHous, Cord, and Moveco. [2]


Jane is a graduate of Darla Moore School of Business. [3]

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August 24, 2022

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