





XRADERS is a platform where users predict prices and earn XR tokens as rewards for accurate forecasts. It aims to support retail users in making informed decisions in the fast-paced trading landscape, promoting sustainable returns and enhancing user engagement. [1][3]


XRADERS, established in 2022, aims to support retail users in trading by providing reliable information and expert insights. The platform incorporates social price prediction, gamification, and a community-driven model to offer a secure environment for user interactions. Its Guess2Earn gateway engages users in market prediction games to help them understand market dynamics without requiring significant financial investment.

XRADERS uses technology to ensure transparent and immutable records of prediction results, allowing for the verification of experts' skills. The platform features a decentralized voting system where users stake XR tokens to influence the curation of expert analysis content.

XRADERS' growth model focuses on user engagement to enhance data quality and expertise, aiming to provide equal opportunities, reward contributions, assist in achieving personal goals, and maintain a trustworthy trading environment.[1][2][3][4][5]



Coinlive, a component of the XRADERS ecosystem, aims to enrich trading by offering real-time insights, encompassing social media updates and market price fluctuations. In the ever-shifting realm, Coinlive provides a platform for price predictions and fostering community interaction.

Users can engage in the UpDown game to forecast price movements and participate in crypto chat channels to exchange insights and discuss predictions. Coinlive's features include dedicated chat channels, real-time crypto prices and charts, push notifications, AMA sessions, a crypto portfolio, and a secure wallet for deposits and withdrawals. These functionalities support both market engagement and community collaboration.[6][7]


Guess2Earn (G2E), a feature within the XRADERS platform, aims to encourage community engagement and provide entertainment. It allows players to make one-click price predictions, with win rates recorded on-chain to ensure accuracy. G2E challenges players to forecast percentage changes in prices, promoting a deeper understanding of market dynamics.

Participants can earn rewards and improve trading skills through friendly competition within the community. -backed transparency ensures fairness, with predictions immutably recorded. Real-time crowd sentiment insights offer immediate feedback, while gamification elements encourage participation.

G2E's user-friendly interface facilitates learning without extensive market knowledge. By focusing on percentage changes, G2E resembles real-world trading, emphasizing trading skills and insight. Understanding price significance is essential for effective trading strategies.[7][8]

Voting System

The Decentralized Voting System within XRADERS aims to empower users in curating experts through community-driven voting, fostering decentralization and fairness. Utilizing technology, it ensures immutable voting records, enhancing trust among participants. This system facilitates democratic expert curation, allowing users to contribute to shaping a self-sustaining community. As experts gather more votes, they gain exposure and opportunities for monetization.

XRADERS provides monetization opportunities for all ecosystem participants. Expert Players are incentivized for offering accurate analysis, while Voters receive rewards for curating top-performing analysts. Users benefit from expert guidance, enabling them to make informed trading decisions. Through this framework, XRADERS ensures that expertise, curation, and engagement are duly acknowledged and rewarded.[7][9][10]

Coinlive IOST Wallet

Coinlive introduced the in September 2023, aiming to facilitate efficient management of rewards and bonuses. Users can connect a single wallet to their account, necessitating the deletion of the existing one to create a new account.

Deposits are straightforward, with users easily generating addresses. Withdrawals are fee-free, requiring a minimum amount. To import a wallet to a new device, users can connect using the private key or the 'Connect Wallet' button. Deleting the current wallet is a simple process, but irreversible.[11]



The native token of the XRADERS platform, $XR, aims to function as a cryptographically-secure fungible protocol token, representing and functions within the ecosystem. It aims to encourage user participation by providing economic incentives, fostering fairness in rewarding contributions. $XR plays a pivotal role in encouraging engagement, granting access to exclusive features, and facilitating transactions within the platform.[12]

Use Cases

The XR token, $XR, serves various essential functions within the XRADERS platform, aiming to enhance user engagement and ecosystem development:

  • Governance Voting: $XR holders participate in vital ecosystem decisions, influencing protocol fees, marketing strategies, and more.
  • Access to Premium Features: $XR allows users to access exclusive price prediction rounds, new games, trading features, and updates before general release.
  • Advertisement Payment: Expert Players use $XR tokens to advertise their profiles, attracting followers for the XR Follow Trading feature.

Coinlive Token ($CLX)

The Coinlive Experience Token, or $CLX, is a central component of the in-app ecosystem within Coinlive. It functions as a point system, allowing users to earn and utilize it within the platform. Additionally, $CLX is anticipated to have future applications within the Coinlive ecosystem.[13]

Use Cases

The CLX token on XRADERS provides users with various utility functions:

  • Access to Real-time Data: Gain insights into real-time UpDown submission ratio.
  • Push Notifications: Receive updates on specific users' status.
  • Access to Locked Features: Exclusive access to top performers' status, cancel or revoke positions, extend winning streaks, participate in time-earning activities, and join special rounds.
  • Events - Lottery & Roulette: Participate in events for additional reward opportunities.[13]
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편집 날짜

June 12, 2024


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