a16z crypto

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a16z crypto

a16z crypto is a venture capital fund that invests in  and  startups, backing entrepreneurs building the next internet — one that is decentralized, community-governed, and owned by users, builders, and creators. It is led by , a General Partner at the organization. [1][2]


a16z manages over $7.6 billion in assets across four funds and has been investing in web3 at all stages since 2013 under the leadership of founding general partner . [3]

The firm identifies three distinct eras of the internet: the first era (approximately 1990-2005) focused on decentralized and community-governed open protocols, benefiting users and builders; the second era (approximately 2005-2020) saw the rise of centralized services dominated by a few large tech companies. According to a16z, the current third era, referred to as web3, merges the decentralized ethos of the first era with the advanced functionality of the second, fostering new creativity and entrepreneurship. [3]

a16z crypto supports its portfolio and the growth of web3 through research, engineering, and security teams, legal and regulatory support, go-to-market networks, recruiting services, governance and infrastructure assistance, educational content, media properties, and the Crypto Startup School. [3]

Educational Arm

a16z crypto YouTube channel provides overviews and insights from researchers, demos from developers and engineers, and more from product builders and creators. It caters to individuals seeking to delve into the technical advancements shaping the future of the internet. [1]

The a16z crypto channel can be found on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts, etc. [4][5]

Web3 Newsletter

a16z crypto also owns a web3 newsletter hosted on Substack. The newsletter curates news and resources for users seeking to understand and go deeper into all things and . [6]

"We aim to help cut through all the noise and share the signals that matter — whether sharing data or resources from the builders, the researchers, the creators —for  anyone building the next generation of the internet (aka web3)." - the site stated[6]

Andreessen Horowitz (a16z)

Andreessen Horowitz is a private American venture capital firm, founded in 2009 by  and . The company is headquartered in Menlo Park, California.[2]

In addition to Andreessen and Horowitz, the firm’s general partners include , John O’Farrell, Scott Weiss, Jeff Jordan, Peter Levine, Vijay Pande, Alex Rampell, Martin Casado, and Andrew Chen. [3]

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May 30, 2024

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