Aleksandar Hadžibabić

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Aleksandar Hadžibabić

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Aleksandar Hadžibabić

Aleksandar Hadžibabić is devrel at  - a verifiable  protocol that brings AI and complex computation on-chain.


Alec James joined  (fka HyperOracle) in April 2024 as a devrel. Ora Protocol offers an on-chain oracle protocol (zkOracle protocol) that handles arbitrary computations for  . With two main products — AI Oracle (OAO) and Initial Model Offering (IMO), ORA positions itself as an  solution for developers, offering practical AI Oracle functionality usable on . Additionally, their ZK Oracle is trustless and solely cryptography-based.
On February 14, 2024, Ora introduced Onchain AI Oracle (OAO) [2], a set of  allowing onchain ML inference.

"The team released the world’s first product that allows smart contracts, dApps and blockchains to be powered by AI. OAO is based on a standard for combining AI inference and blockchain systems, called Optimistic Machine Learning (opML). This solved the issues of cost and efficiency associated with Zero-Knowledge ML (zkML) and facilitates the use of AI in blockchain systems right now" - Aleksandar Hadžibabić

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Edited On

June 14, 2024

