Alex Cohen

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Alex Cohen

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Alex Cohen

Alex Cohen is the Manager Editor at , a digital media platform covering topics. After starting his career as a television journalist, he became an editor at various fintech publications.[2]


Alex Cohen has a degree in Business and International Relations focusing on Human Resources. After graduating in 2013, he completed a Masters in HRM and IER (Industrial Relations) with a specialization in Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). From 2015 to 2016, he attained Level 3 certification as a Wine Steward/Sommelier from the Wine & Spirit Education Trust. [1]


Alex Cohen's career at Cointelegraph started in May 2019, as a Features Editor. Afterwards, in December 2019 he was promoted to Senior Editor, and in May 2021, he was appointed as the Managing Director, a position he currently holds at Cointelegraph. [1]

Alex has participated as a moderator in diverse interviews, such as with the founder of 1inch Sergej Kunz, and in talk shows like StarWare Sessions 23.

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Edited On

July 20, 2023

