Cold Blooded Creepz

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Cold Blooded Creepz


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Cold Blooded Creepz

Cold Blooded Creepz consists of a collection of 11,111 NFTs that are part of the centerpiece of the Creepz Universe created by . The collection consists of multi-token NFTs that enable holders to earn the LOOMI token passively through staking and yielding. [1][2]


On January 6th, 2022, Season 1 was launched with the release of Creepz Genesis, which comprises 11,111 NFTs that were created using more than 800 distinct traits. The game introduces a storyline, or "lore," that centers around a tribe of intelligent mutant lizards, led by the Overlord, who aims to conquer Earth by assembling an army of lizard Creepz. Throughout their conquest, these lizards amass $LOOMI, the ecosystem's utility token, which is employed in its "play-to-earn" strategy. These tokens can be utilized to buy future drops, characters, and upgrades. The game features six lizard breeds, each with its own distinct abilities that correspond directly to their $LOOMI earnings. [4]

Genesis Creepz

The initial project, Genesis Creepz, consists of 11,111 items that feature more than 800 traits. These NFTs have a minimum daily yield of 1500 LOOMI, which is higher than the minimum yield offered by any of the other 4 collections. [2]

Reptile Armoury

Repitlian army is the second project of the collection, which includes 20,000 NFTs. These NFTs offer a daily yield of 600 $LOOMI, and  the initial minting price for these NFTs was 3000 $LOOMI. [2]


The Shapeshifter collection portrays celebrities in the art style of the project, such as Elon Musk, Gary Vee, Snoop Dogg, and others. This collection comprises 20,000 items. By collecting five Shapeshifters, the user has the option to burn them to create a MEGA, which can receive a portion of the 50,000,000 LOOMI bribe pool. [1][2]

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Mega Shapeshifters can be redeemed by burning the 5 versions of shapeshifters. By mutating the shapeshifters into a MEGA, users can claim their daily bribe. [4]

Loomi Vault

The Loomi Vaults collection was introduced alongside the Shapeshifters collection. The 5,000 vaults were priced at 1 ETH each and granted the buyer 10,000 LOOMI upfront. Following that, they provide a yield of 500 LOOMI per day when staked, which adjusts dynamically based on the current LOOMI price. The LOOMI vault collection allows users to earn a daily yield of 500 LOOMI and claim their earnings by checking in daily. [1][2]


LOOMI is the utility token utilized in the Creepztopia ecosystem. This token allows users to purchase future drops, characters, and upgrades in the game. Additionally, users can stake multi-token DeFi Collectibles to earn LOOMI and upgrade their army’s ranking in the game. The platform offers five LOOMI levels, including Reptilianz–Level 1, Flat Earthers–Level 2, Wen Moon Lander–Level 3, The Anonymous–Level 4, and Area 51–Level 5. Memberships are activated, and LOOMI holders are rewarded based on their rankings. Furthermore, users can pledge their allegiance to "overload" and earn LOOMI. [3]

To discourage people from selling LOOMI, there is a penalty of 25 percent imposed on withdrawals. [1]

Season 2 & 3

In February 2022, announced Seasons 2 and 3 of Creepz. They announced their roadmap which included an interdimensional Creepz and Evolution Event, a LAMEX Private Membership Club, and Cross Breeding. [5][6]

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April 18, 2023


