We've just announced IQ AI.
Ekaitza is a visual artist based in California who is interested in futurism, creativity, and how future generations will view current affairs. [3]
With a background in technology and a love for classical art Ekaitza tries to blend both worlds via illustration and 3d designs. Ekaitza's collection features four artworks - each of a similar theme with incredibly detailed skulls.
Ekaitza's artwork has over the years been admired by a lot of people. Ekaitza's role in the Nifty Gateway community has made a lot of personalities always look forward to his artwork which is beautiful and captivating. Ekaitza has been a dedicated buyer and member of the Nifty Gateway community. [1]
Ekaitza creates a detailed crypto art that draws inspiration from his past as well as a vision for a digital future. He collects and advises on some of the most monumental projects in NFTs. According to him during an interview session, he stated that "The blockchain allows for collectors to have true ownership over their digital assets. When compared to other chains Flow has much lower fees". [2]
Ekaitza has various social media such as; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin. On Twitter, he has over 4k followers and over 1k has those following her.[4] Also, he stated on his Twitter page that
"At this point, I am only entertaining one collaboration with a famous person and it is still in conversation. I am only interested in that one as my proceeds go to charity. It will be a little weird in a few years to look back at all the ephemeral collabs with companies and celebs IMO
". [5]
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Edited On
August 17, 2022
We've just announced IQ AI.
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Edited On
August 17, 2022