Felix Xu

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Felix Xu

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Felix Xu

Felix Xu is a co-founder and CEO of . He majored in finance and information systems at New York University Stern School of Business. Previously, at Fosun Group.[1][2]


He attended New York University Stern School of Business and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Finance & Information Systems. He also went to Brandeis University where he bagged a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics.[4]


He worked with Fosun Group as a Venture Investor where he had more than 5 years of experience in Venture Capital before he founded the ARPA Chain network community in April 2018.

Felix Xu is Co-Founder and CEO of , . He graduated with Finance, and Information Systems degrees from New York University, which is known for its Computer Science and AI research. For the past 6 years, Felix has been working on venture capital investment in Fintech, big data, and AI startups. Most recently, he led blockchain sector research and early-stage investment at Fosun Group, one of the largest conglomerates in China.[3]

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Edited On

August 27, 2022


