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Hackatao (founded 2007) is a collaboration of two Italian art duo of Sergio Scalet and Nadia Squarci who emerged from Milan. They work together on the creation of Podmork, sculptures with soft and totemic shapes, which are placed at the center of their imaginative research.

Hackatao are decentralized artists and pioneers of Crypto Art s (Not Fungible Tokens) in Italy. Hackatao merges the cultured quotations from the past to bold and ultracontemporary forms, standing out as an innovative exponent of the current artistic a scenario like Crypto art.  [1][4]


OIP.jpgHackatao's art consists of the creative works of Sergio Scalet and Nadia Squarci which began on the 16th of November, 2007. Hackatao blends cultured quotes from the past to courageous and ultra-contemporary forms, standing as an innovative exponent of the current art scene.

The duo was formed in Milan in 2007 by working together on the creation of Podmork, sculptures with soft and totemic shapes, which are placed at the focal center of their imaginative research.

Their original technique is a harmonious aesthetic summary of an intricate stream of consciousness expressed with graphite, delimited by super-flat acrylic backgrounds. The subjects of their works, while maintaining absolute originality, are inspired by ancient pagan forms, alchemy, the magic of childhood, and contemporary becoming.

The first years of their artistic activity (2007 – 2011) see them in the tangled city of Milan, where they actively take part in the emergence of new artistic movements. Their inner and artistic search leads them to change their life setting, a moment of enlightenment that brings them to Oltris, a small medieval hamlet nestled in the Carnic Alps. Placing themselves “out of touch,” they perform a radical artistic act that causes them to break free from “the flow,” but at the same time allowing them to actively participate in it more consciously yet immune to its too-quick flowing. Thusly their art focuses on new, yet natural, support materials, such as wood and ceramics, making them live again, contaminated by their imagination.

From 2011 to 2016 were prolific years, marked by several solo exhibitions and collective projects in Italy and around the world. They participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Italy and around the world. He realized the first exhibition of crypto art in Italy in December 2018, at Palazzo Frisacco in Tolmezzo, involving artists exponents of the movement.

Hackatao refashioned their style into digital crypto art. In an interview, Scalet told Decrypt Media:

Our usual artistic process used to take a long time, but with the blockchain and its speed, the creative need of thinking about something and seeing it realized immediately after was satisfied. The community kept them going. It was possible to get to know artists from all over the world and discuss with them [2]

Hackatao on NFTs

53da753b-1544-4ae3-9cec-7f3c7816e649_692x1216.pngThe Hackatao team made contact with John Crain and Jonathan Perkins of SuperRare after speaking with Jason Bailey, the CEO of Artnome.
Hackatao tokenized their first piece of work shortly after debuted their platform. A Hackatao NFT called "Girl Next Door" was the first.
In 2019, this incredible team of S and N held fantastic auctions and took part in a variety of conferences and exhibitions related to NFTs. The artists' responses to the Covid-19, which affected every aspect of our life, were diverse and complex, but they all appeared sufficiently inventive to communicate what was going on inside them via art that represents these trying times. The Hackatao team collaborated with various brands, including Vans, XCOPY, Sparrow, mlibty, and many more. They even displayed work that was fortnite-inspired.
Hackatao is one of the most well-known artists in the crypto art community. They contributed to the rise of NFT art and without them their fellow crypto artists, space would look much different today.

The Women-inspired art by Hactkatao

This incredible team chose to produce a collection that was inspired by the feminine body and the role of women in history and contemporary culture after completing so many projects that were a huge success. Hackatao made his debut in the Marketplace in partnership with José Delbo, and he even designed one of the covers for the Punkscomic comic book that was influenced by The Lost Robbies on SuperRare.

Notable Sale

On May 16th, 2020, the art piece by Hackatao I’ve Got the Power, tokenized on SuperRare, was acquired in the secondary market for Eth 45, an equivalent of $9,000.

MOCA and the BEAR #1/11

Hackatao created a piece of art at Christie's in association with the Museum of Crypto Art, which was organized by Eleonora Brizi: This is the tale of the transcendent force known as art, which transcends time and space. An account of the most modern kind of art, presently known as crypto art but once known as Renaissance art. MOCA and the BEAR #1/11 sold for 25Ethereum on August 28th, 2021.

Hackatao: Formation

The two creative Italian Duo Sergio Scalet and Nadia Squarci formed the acronymized nickname by coining two words together "Hacker" and "Tao". The term " hacker " in its purest sense: "a person who undertakes to face intellectual challenges to creatively circumvent or overcome the limitations that are imposed on him, in all aspects of his life" and the concept of the " Tao ”Which indicates the field of action of the Group, understood as a Living Whole in continuous transformation.


In October 2020, Hackatao collaborated with AsyncArt (programmable art platform) and   to release HaCKittieZ.

Social Media

Hackatao is active on common social media networks like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.   [3]

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Generated avatar for Anonymous userGodsgenerale

Edited On

October 4, 2022


