James Eddington

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James Eddington

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James Eddington

James Eddington is an Australian Editor and Chief operating officer at Stability Labs, a software development company building mStable.[1]


James attended Geelong Grammar school from 2013 to 2016. He graduated with Bachelor Commerce (Finance) degree from the University of Melbourne in 2016. He then went to New York University to learn about Liberal Arts and Finance in 2016.[2]


He did summer internships at Toll Group and Deloitte, Australia, and then joined Deloitte as an Analyst Mergers and Acquisitions Advisory. He also served as Regional Director Australasia at College Cryptocurrency Network. He also helped spread awareness by working as a lead blockchain consultant at Distributed Technologies Institute Pty. Ltd. He is a partner at Typehuman, a blockchain studio in Melbourne, Australia. [2][6][7]

He currently works as a Chief operating officer at Stability Labs, a software development company building . The developer team of stability labs is located in Berlin while the rest of the team is based in Germany, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong. Other members of the team include , Henrik Andersson, James Lefrere, and Alex Scott.

He is also on the management board at web3 Australia organization, which provides community education on blockchain technologies that preserve data rights and data security.[3][4][5]

Personal Life

He writes articles and uploads them to Medium (website). Some of his articles he has written have been about MTA staking, A Recap of MTA rewards, The mStable Native Interest Rate, and a Meta Genesis step-by-step guide where he wrote on how to participate in MTA open auction on Mesa at 14:00 UTC 18th July.

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Edited On

October 1, 2022

