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Patientory is a distributed electronic medical record storage computing platform based on a block chain. Patientory stores information and stores medical records used by medical industry organizations that rent computing facilities, servers, and data centers. In addition, Patientory provides their own unoccupied resources in a unique closed infrastructure.[1][2]


Patientory is a global population health management software that gives users access to their health data. It is a population health data management and analytics company. Through its two decentralized applications -NEITH an enterprise software tool, and the Patientory mobile app

  • Patientory Inc. empowers patients and enterprises with actionable insights into healthcare data to improve population health outcomes. This is achieved by integrating a blockchain enabled platform to gather siloed healthcare data for analytics reporting to reduce the overall cost of care through early intervention.[3]


Patientory provides the following:

  • Healthcare Dapps (blockchain-based applications) that need private off-chain computation
  • High Performance Computing
  • Big Data
  • Machine learning for care treatment (shorter time-to-diagnosis, reduced administrative costs)
  • And future healthcare distributed applications that will require new forms of decentralized infrastructure see Edge/Fog computing, ambient AI, IoT + Big Data, distributed deep learning, parallel stream processing etc.[4][5]
  • $PTOY
  • $PTOY is a digital that drives the PTOYMatrix’s value of private health data and cybersecurity. The PTOYMatrix storage network improves data integrity, reduces transactional and operational costs. This system eliminates the friction of third‑party intermediaries in managing healthcare dataThe PTOYMatrix storage network improves data integrity, reduces transactional and operational costs. This system eliminates the friction of third‑party intermediaries in managing healthcare data.[6][7]
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Profile picture of Anonymous uservzbrv

Edited On

August 30, 2022


