Sidharth Kapoor

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Sidharth Kapoor

Sidharth Kapoor is a developer, currently working as a Software Developer at .[1][2]


Sidharth's early fascination with computers and technology led him to pursue a Bachelor of Technology degree in Information Technology at Manipal University in India. During his undergraduate years, he immersed himself in the world of technology, initially focusing on Machine Learning (ML) and . As he explored further into ML and AI, he became interested in other technologies as well. During this process, Sid came across the concepts of and .[1][3]


Sidharth started working as a web3 Frontend Engineer at in August 2023, working on blockchain integration and Frontend technologies. Aside from that, he participated in several hackathons including ETHGlobal, and mentored beginner developers at web3 boot camp.[1]

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Edited On

October 30, 2023


