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TrustSwap is a DeFi (Decentralized Finance) ecosystem designed to facilitate the exchange of and digital assets with ease.[1][2][3]


TrustSwap came into existence when an investor wanted to exchange a large amount of in a project. Both the investor and founder wanted to make sure they'd get what they were promised and the project wanted to release 10% of tokens per month to the investor. The only way to do this was to involve a middleman who will take 5 to 10%.[4]

“A Venture Capital firm wanted to invest $50,000 into project tokens at a discount. Our company wanted to make sure that once the tokens were sent, they wouldn’t sell them all at once and crash the token price. The only way to ensure this was to hire a lawyer to act as a middleman, who would send fractional amounts of the tokens to the VC firm over time, for a 5-10% fee. Absolute insanity. I figured there had to be something already created that implemented this service in a smart-contract, for a fraction of the cost. There wasn’t. Infact, there was nothing that allowed for time-based payments at all. No trustless escrow for institutions, no trustless team-token lockups, no automated employee payments... nothing. That realization happened on June 19th 2020.”

  • Jeff Kirdeikis, CEO


TrustSwap was founded by an experienced team with roots in other projects from Uptrend to Bravocoin.

Jeff kirdeikisFounder and CEO
Adam BarlamCTO
Joaquim MiroCGO

Trustswap is backed by a notable and experienced team of advisors from the crypto ecosystem.

Michael Gu@Boxmining
Ivan LilejeqvistTech Academy
Mauvis LedfordFormer CTO Coin MarketCap
Michael "MafiaBoy" CalcePresident - Optimal Secure


TrustSwap is a go-to DeFi (Decentralized Finance) solution for automated smart-escrows, smart-swaps, and smart-locks, allowing for people and organizations to easily execute smart contract-based agreements at minimum costs. TrustSwap offers an easy way for anyone in the world to make safe cryptocurrency transactions together.[5]

TrustSwap offers infinite use cases like:

  • automated employee payments
  • time-locked tokens
  • instant will execution
  • monthly/weekly subscriptions using
  • Instant gifts and payments.


The TrustSwap token (SWAP) has many unique features.

  • Governance
    • Stakers of SWAP tokens are the voters for platform governance decisions
  • Staking Rewards
    • Every transaction paid in SWAP rewards stakers and liquidity providers with 80% of the transaction fee.
    10% is burned, and 10% goes to the foundation
  • Longevity and Stability
    • Committing to stake your SWAP for longer creates a multiplier on your SWAP staking rewards from all TrustSwap network transactions
  • Deflationary
    • 10% of SWAP used as transaction fees for services offered by TrustSwap will be burned.
    This decreases the total supply of SWAP, thus increasing the value of each SWAP token
  • Reduced fees[6]
    • TrustSwap fees are reduced by 50% when using SWAP tokens

Social Media

TrustSwap is active on Twitter , Telegram , and Discord[7]

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Edited By

Profile picture of Anonymous uservzbrv

Edited On

January 19, 2023


