We've just announced IQ AI.
Bunzy is the host of Blocktalk Podcast, a developer at Pineapple Workshop and Omnisat, and an artist at Mullet Punks. [1]
Bunzy had a career in music that lasted eight years. Releasing music under the name "Kicks and Licks," he gained recognition with millions of online views on several songs, his touring experiences provided a chance to explore North America and Europe. Eventually, seeking stability, he transitioned away from music and turned to self-teaching software and programming. [2]
His interest in cryptocurrency was sparked through mining in 2019, leading him to appreciate the potential of blockchain technology. With a passion for the subject, he immersed himself in the world of crypto, exploring its possibilities and envisioning a future of decentralized networks. [2]
During one of his interviews, Bunzy mentioned that his journey with Pineapple Workshop began with his involvement in music, particularly touring with a group. He went on tour with Andrew Hathaway and Matt Berryhill, known as Robotic Pirate Monkey, who achieved success with performances at notable venues like Red Rocks. While they eventually pursued their separate ways, they remained friends and occasionally performed together. During their time on tour, which spanned about three months, they developed a close bond. [2]
Both Bunzy and his friends transitioned into the field of software. They found employment at companies like Comcast and Beatport, working in development roles. Bunzy focused on front-end development, building real estate databases and websites. Meanwhile, his friends embarked on their own venture called Pineapple Workshop. [2]
As his friends started Pineapple, they sought Bunzy's expertise in topics such as mining, decentralized finance (DeFi), tokenomics, and consulting. The two parties maintained communication, with people approaching Bunzy for assistance in building projects. Initially, Bunzy took on smaller projects but soon realized the demand for larger-scale endeavors. Recognizing the synergy and potential, he made the decision to join the Pineapple team. [2]
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Edited On
July 13, 2023
We've just announced IQ AI.
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Edited On
July 13, 2023