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Codehans, also known as Hans, is the co-founder of and serves as the central back-end and developer within the Kujira team, which includes himself, , , and other members. [1]


In 2017, after the sale of his last startup, Codehans wrote his first smart contract. He finds the potential of smart contracts, along with permissionless trust, incredibly exciting as they empower individuals by placing control back in their hands. One of the Kujira team members, , praised Codehans' creativity, mentioning, [1][3][2]

“Hans is an insane, insane developer who has a vision for stuff.” Expanding on this, Dove recalled, “It was him who said, Don't worry about CW-20 tokens (Terra's equivalent of an ERC-20 token)—let's have native tokens.”

Due to this shared vision and a committed team, the Layer 1 blockchain was launched within six weeks. [3]


is a semi-permissioned ecosystem that prioritizes network quality and longevity by mandating governance approval for contract launches. Equipped with features such as an on-chain scheduler and a native token generation system, its primary goal is to offer efficient and user-friendly (DeFi) solutions. This approach has garnered increasing interest and attention from both the blockchain and financial technology (FinTech) communities. Initially, Kujira was launched within the ecosystem but later transitioned to the ecosystem due to Terra's collapse. [4][5]

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December 6, 2023


