Matthew Blancarte

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Matthew Blancarte

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Matthew Blancarte

Matthew Blancarte is a web technologist, programmer, Co-founder, and the CTO of , a platform featuring industry news, insights, and data. [1][2][3]


Matthew's first company, Unique Blog Designs (established in 2006), was a bootstrapped web design firm that specialized in developing custom WordPress themes. During his four-year involvement as an active member of UBD, Matthew designed and developed many custom sites, blogs, and small web applications. He also designed and developed UBD’s three successful products: Affiliate Theme, Squeeze Theme, and Sales Page Theme, which was sold to a private buyer. [3][2]

In 2010, Matthew was part of the inaugural Seattle TechStars class. He co-founded Highlighter, a self-publishing platform for higher education. After several successful pilot programs and two years of development, Highlighter merged with panOpen Inc. to bring OER publishing to higher education. [6]

After nine months with panOpen, Matthew started a new company in Seattle with .  During that time, Matthew consulted as the server architect and full-stack developer for several high-traffic and high-revenue eCommerce sites. After two years of consulting as the tech lead for Legion Athletics, Inc. (Aug. 2015 to Aug. 2017), Matthew was hired as their CTO in August 2017. [5]


In August 2017, Matthew and his business partner, , founded . Having been interested in and p2p technologies for years, the two wanted to create a space that answered the daily question, “What the heck is going on with the price of Bitcoin?” That led them to build a platform for crypto news and media sites, CryptoSlate. [2]

CryptoSlate is a team of blockchain researchers, fintech writers, and cryptocurrency analysts. In addition to providing industry news and insight, CryptoSlate maintains a database of , delivers real-time coin data for cryptocurrencies, and tracks blockchain events around the world. [2][3]

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April 2, 2024


