





Mobox (launched on April 6, 2021) is an  gaming ecosystem built on . It combines yield farming in DeFi (Decentralized Finance) with gaming NFTs, creating a free-to-play, play-to-earn gaming model.[1][2]

MOBOX believes that each metaverse can be connected through NFTs, and aims to achieve NFT interoperability across games and platforms. The project aims to increase the utility of each gaming title's NFTs, and develop more real-time utility for NFTs.[3][4]


MOBOX is a free-to-play GameFi ecosystem that runs on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Basically, it allows players to mine NFTs by staking . Then, they can use the NFTS (MOMOs) to play and earn across multiple games on the platform and get rewarded with the governance token.[5]
wikiMobox Dashboard

The platform currently offers , an NFT Marketplace and NFT Staking. That’s why joining the Binance Launch Pool is a big boost to their services.

At its core, MOBOX aims to connect each Metaverse through NFTS, ushering in the era of NFT interoperability across  games and platforms. Moreover, MOBOX wants to improve the utility of NFTs belonging to Blockchain game titles and introduce additional utility through various efforts.

The MOBOX ecosystem is designed to promote the potential of play-to-earn without sacrificing the free-to-play concept. Everyone can participate in the various games provided by the platform, ranging from NFT farming to Yield Farming and Blockchain gaming. Furthermore, users can stake in liquidity pools or use MOMO NFTs to earn staking rewards paid in the native MBOX currency. Staking the MBOX tokens can reward unique MOMO NFT Mystery Boxes, creating an extra incentive for users to hold on to the native currency and put it to work.[3][1]

Main Components

The platform consists of the following major components working in conjunction:

NFT Marketplace

The MOBOX NFT marketplace is a Decentralized NFT marketplace where users can trade, rent and lend MOMO NFTs.

In order to provide the best experience and the least fees, the team has optimized the Smart contracts specifically for MOMO NFT Farmer in the many ways.

Game Creator

A set of APIS to enable game developers to launch and publish their games on the MBOX platform, and using MBOX tokens and MOMO NFTs.

The platform gives indie developers a suite of benefits so that they can focus on developing a great game. Whether it is a centralized or Decentralized game, the Game Creator platform will give developers access to MOMO NFTs, a massive gamer’s community, and most importantly low cost publishing and short payment schedules.

When a game is successfully published on the MOBOX platform, the developer receives a Published  (P-NFT) representing their ownership of the published game. All revenue the game generates is recorded on the Blockchain ensuring full transparency between the platform and the developer. The P-NFT  also serve as a revenue share agreement between the platform and the developer, automatically paying out the developer's revenue share directly to their MOBOX wallet.

With the MOBOX platform, game developers can now focus on developing great games, while the MOBOX platform and Smart contracts takes care of the rest.[6][7]

NFT Creator

A set of tools for users to create their own MOMO NFTs using the ERC721 standard. The NFT Creator is a platform for artists and designers to create their own unique MOMOs to be used across the MOBOX Games. By removing all the technical barriers with understanding Smart Contracts, MOBOX makes the process as simple as possible and gives all the tools required for the user to be rewarded for their creations.

A user simply uploads an image of their MOMO creation which is stored on the IPFS system ensuring that their creations will never disappear. The user then has the option to select several attributes for their MOMO and a revenue-sharing model. The user can choose how much of each final sale they would like to keep, which will automatically be deducted from the final sale price and sent to the creator's wallet.

To ensure that only quality user generated MOMOs are used in games, each MOMO NFT once created will be sent to the MOMO NFT proposal feed. Community members can then stake MBOX tokens to vote on whether or not to add the MOMO to the MOBOX family to be used across the game ecosystem.

User generated MOMO NFTs that pass the community vote will also be rewarded with MBOX tokens for their contribution to the wider MOBOX community.[8]


The community-driven platform wants to empower users for engagement and experiences. Its infrastructure borrows elements from play-to-earn gaming, DeFi (Decentralized Finance) Yield Farming, and the popularity of Non-Fungible Token (NFT). It provides access to all of these concepts through an ecosystem built to let users play for free and earn rewards for being as active as possible.

The native NFTs on MOBOX are dubbed MOMOs and can be acquired through mystery boxes. Users who receive these NFTs can trade them, stake the NFTs to farm MBOX tokens, or use them as collateral for other uses throughout the ecosystem's games.

One of the core games, dubbed MOMO Token Master, lets players rob their friends and foes of gold coins by battling one another. By ranking on the leaderboard, users can earn more MBOX tokens without spending any money. MOMO Farmer lets players yield farm and earn tokens, whereas Trade Action is more educational and competitive, featuring a weekly risk-free trading competition.

The native MBOX token is also usable through Binance Launchpad. Users can farm MBOX for 30 days and earn an Apy of over 100%.

MOBOX is also working with established projects in the ecosystem to develop NFT interoperability across platforms and games. The platform has integrated NFTs from other projects (e.g.  NFTs), which can be used in MOBOX's platform games. In addition, the team is developing cross-chain bridges for NFTs, which will allow users to move NFTs between Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Ethereum (ETH), and TRON.[1]

MBOX Token

The MBOX token is the Native Utility Token (NUT) of the MOBOX platform which operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). As at August 19th, 2021, the maximum token supply of MBOX is 1,000,000,000 and the current circulating supply is 43,885,469 (~4.39% of the maximum token supply).
wikiToken information

MBOX is minted on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with 20%, 8%, 21% going to team, strategic partnerships, and marketing respectively. 51% of MBOX tokens are mined by users through GameFi mechanics throughout all the games to be released on the platform. The MBOX token is released over 5 years, with 400 million being released the first year and diminishing after each subsequent year. 80% of platform fees are used to burn MBOX tokens using a unique Smart contract that is triggered to Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

The Native Utility has following use cases:

  • In-game currency: The MBOX token facilitates purchases for in-game activity such as acquiring additional characters, lottery wheel, and incentives for in-game activity such as rewards for Player-versus-Player (PvP) battles.
  • Governance: MBOX token holders will be able to submit and vote on proposals to influence the platform's development and direction.
  • Liquidity mining: Users can stake in various liquidity pools on the platform or stake MOMO NFTs to earn staking rewards paid in MBOX tokens.
  • NFT mystery boxes: Users can stake MBOX tokens for a chance to obtain unique MOMO NFT mystery boxes.
  • MOMO NFT auction: Users can bid for limited Legendary MOMO NFTs using MBOX tokens.

The max amount for each year is applied for at the beginning of each year. Any tokens that are not released into circulation by the end of the year are forever burned. Each year the DAO will vote to approve how the tokens are allocated to each game and how tokens should be allocated to strategic partnerships and marketing. They can also vote on how much is released via MOMO: NFT Farmer.

The platform has also implemented a buyback and burn program funded by 80% of all profits across the platform, which will reduce the maximum token supply of MBOX over time.[3]

Tokenonomics and Supply

Token Allocation

Token NameMBOX
Strategic Partners8.00% of the total token supply
Contributors21.00% of the total token supply
Team20.00% of the total token supply
Community51.00% of the total token supply

‍Beginning year 6, 50,000,000 new MBOX tokens may be minted depending on community vote.[9]

Mobox NFT Games

Here you can see some MOMOs ( Hashing power is the pickaxe in the upper right corner)
With years of experience in game development, team MOBOX will be releasing various in-house developed games for the MOBOX platform. To foster the MOBOX ecosystem and realizing the true potential of NFT interoperability, MOMO NFTs can be used across all the games with each NFT providing unique in-game uses depending on the game genre.[10]

Two games that are already active are: MOMO: NFT Farmer and Trade Action; the two that are about to join the platform soon are: MOMO: Token Master and MOMO: Block Brawler.

The MOBOX platform is used for optimizing Yield Farming on BSC and getting some NFTs along the way which boost the hash (yielding) power. The best way to do that is using MOMO: NFT Farmer which is actually more a yielding platform than a game.[11]

MOMO: NFT Farmer

MOMO: NFT Farmer as it is the best and most popular game on the platform. MOMOs are small and cute cube-like creatures that have “hash power” which in turn earns users $MOBOX every day. And how can they get a MOMO?

First of all users are to go to staking and put some liquidity into the pools. As a reward for staking they will get some “keys” (which is also a token in itself and is tradeable via MOBOX platform). After getting the key, all they need to do is open a “chest” which will have a MOMO inside.

Recently gem lottery has been implemented which will allow some extra customization of their MOMOs with “gems”. Gems are actually wearables which increase their MOMOs hash power,They can be applied only on Rare (purple) and above rarity MOMOs.

After they have bought a MOMO, they are now to put him in a “Mining Camp” which will yield them $MOBOX coin.[12][13]

Understanding MOMO Creatures

Some MOMOs are worth a lot of money while some can be bought for a couple of dollars. The most important thing to look for when buying or selling some is their “hash power”. When uses open the market they are probably still confused with their different colors and levels so to explain what is that.

There is a few things to understand when buying a MOMO. It is recommended that they have 4 MOMOs as 4 of them make a “crew” and having a “crew” gives them 100 bonus “hash power”. Users can read more about % bonuses when they enter a “Mining Camp” on the website.

Furthermore, there are 5 classes of MOMOs (with “Humans” always being “Epic” rarity): Wind, Earth, Water, Creatures and Humans, And 5 rarity tiers: Common, Uncommon, Unique, Rare and Epic.[14]

On-Chain Parameter

  1. Each unique NFT has the following parameters
GreyBRC 1155Box50.00%1None
UncommonGreenBRC 1155Box35.00%2None
UniqueBlueBRC 1155Box12.00%3None
RarePurpleBRC 721Box2.50%20010-40Edit Name
EpicOrangeBRC 721Box0.50%5050-120Edit Name Messa
LegendaryRedBRC 721Events AuctionsN/A1-5180-260Edit Name Messa

Rare Quality MoMos with Hash Rate ≥ 30 can edit name.

Epic Quality can edit name, Hash Rate ≥ 80 can add a personal message.

Legendary Quality can edit name and add a personal message.

  1. Unique Quality and above MoMo's level can be upgraded.

Each upgrade will increase MoMo's hash rate. Currently, the maximum level = 30.

  1. Unique Quality and above MoMo's can be upgraded by consuming other MoMos.

Requirements for each level and each MoMo is different.

The first three games in the pipeline are as follows:

  • MOMO: Token Master
  • MOMO: Block Brawl
  • MOMO: Tactical Party Slayer

Token Master

Users can put their MOMO’s to the test in a casual turn-based idle game. Rob their friends and foes and collect as many tokens as possible. At the end of each season place a top the leaderboard and win MBOX token rewards.

Token Producer

MOMO’s will automatically produce tokens at a certain rate. The higher the MOMO’s hash power, the faster the tokens production rate.

Token Twirl and Whirl

Use your tokens and guess where the wheel will land. Gain 2X, 5X, 10X, or even 10000X of tokens in return.

Loot with MOMOs

Assemble a team of 3 MOMOs and send them to loot tokens from their friends. In each battle a user will be rewarded a star for each MOMO defeated. The more stars they gain the more tokens they loot.

Token Master Maestro

The game will consist of 3 leaderboards including Total Tokens accumulated, Twirl and Whirl, and Stars leaderboard. At the end of each season the leaderboard will reset and MBOX tokens will be rewarded to users on the leaderboard.

MOMO: Block Brawler

Dive into the MOMO world with this real-time casual idle thriller. Players can obtain talent points, equipment, and skill gems through various challenges and form powerful combat strategies through developing talent, equipment, and skills. Take your skills and defeat various bosses or fight against your friends to show who is the true MOBOXer.

Resource Factory

MOMO’s will gain talents, equipment, skills and other resources at a certain rate depending on their MOMO hash power.

Talent Tree

Consume talent points to light up the talent tree and gain powerful attribute bonuses and special skills.


Equip various gear and collect sets to gain special bonus effects.


Inlay skills onto their equipment and gain additional bonus effects.

Ladder Battle

Pit yourself against your opponents and see who is the true MOBOXer. Increase their rank with each win and get placed on the leaderboard.

Season Rewards

There are two leaderboards including Boss kill board and ladder. At the end of each season each leaderboard will be reset and players on the leaderboard.

Trade Action

There will be 3 different TradeAction gameplays

A. Simple Trade

In Simple Trade mode each week Mobox will have a set of tokens that users can trade using a simulation tool.

Here the platform will have a leaderboard, the leaderboard rank will be based on how much each user earns throughout the competition.

With this user-friendly process, one of the platforms aim is to help users who are reluctant to get into Cryptocurrency trading to try, by give this a go and have fun

Also, let's not forget the added opportunity of it being an innovative way to learn and earn.

Trading doesn’t need to be boring with Simple Trade on MOBOX.

B. Leverage Mania

Laverage Mania is a short burst of exciting gameplay where users are given tokens, and they either sell short or buy long with up to 1000x leverage.

This is exhilarating gameplay where one moment users can watch their earnings jump high to potentially millions.

Leverage Mania makes a rather boring or non-exciting market environment incredibly captivating & will continue to keep users in suspense awaiting that next jump in earnings.

Here, the leaderboard is based on how much each user earns and also will include Crypto prizes.

C. Bull vs Bear

This will offer users some fast-paced action, and the chance to win in a very short span of time. Definitely a very exciting experience.

Bull vs Bear will offer very short bursts of guessing and wondering whether bitcoin will go up or down in the next 60 seconds, a definite fast pace swift, and speedy way to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Here there will be a point system and also included will be a captivating bull vs bear animation along the way.

The leaderboard here will be based on points accumulated.[15]

Notable Sales

The CoinmarketCap Legendary Robot NFT in the flesh
In July, a CoinMarketCap Robot — one of MOBOX’s five Legendary CoinMarketCap NFT — was sold in the MBOX marketplace for $60,000 BUSD.

While normally a big NFT sale like this is just one of many in the ever-growing NFT space, in this case, there’s a special element — a CoinMarketCap Learn and Earn participant won this particular NFT as a prize. There were two Legendary CoinMarketCap NFTs rewarded during the MBOX Learn and Earn campaign — and one lucky winner made this $60,000 sale.

In total, there are five Legendary CoinMarketCap NFTs — two were won through CoinMarketCap’s Learn and Earn program, one was won through a lottery, one was purchased through an auction for 88,888 MBOX and one will be sold at a later auction.

It’s worth noting that the CoinMarketCap Robot Legendary NFTs are not just pieces of art, but can also be used in the new NFT game, Token Master.[16]

MOBOX YouTube Music Video

The spread the word about MOBOX, Youtuber "Crypto with ImRedryan" created a dedicated music video for Mobox City and the NFT Yield Farmer aspect. It is an interesting way of raising awareness for the project. Gaining support from influencers is often crucial in this industry, and the clip shows off certain aspects of MOBOX's ecosystem. It also touches upon the inner workings of NFTs a bit, as many people still struggle with the concept of owning images on a Blockchain.[17]

Yield Farming (MBOX)

Each CRATE contract is a Smart contract that automatically optimizes and delivers the best yield farming strategy for users across the platform.
Binance Smart Chain ecosystem. Users can stake their stable coins or certain Liquidity Providers (LPs) Tokens into the CRATE contract.

Each CRATE contract has their unique optimized yield farming strategy through different DeFi protocols. Providing liquidity to Crates generates BEP-20 MBOX tokens that can be used to subscribe BOXs.

How are MBOX Farmed?

  1. All staked tokens will be converted to USDT amount to determine the amount of MBOX airdropped daily.
  2. Users can yield farm by staking  LPs or  (BEP-20) into MOBOX Crates to obtain MBOX.
  3. Each Crate Pool will be allocated a certain percentage of daily MBOX.

Each user will be airdropped MBOX according to their weight in each pool.

  1. MBOX can be used to subscribe BOXs containing unique NFTs through the Smart contract without withdrawing.
  2. MBOX can be withdrawn any amount to a user's wallet.[18][19]

MOMO NFT Yield Farming (MBOX)

The Platform has created a unique yield farming mechanisms that puts your NFTs to work. By staking unique MOMOs users can farm the MOBOX platform DAO token (MBOX).

Each MOMO has a randomly generated hash power that can be upgraded by consuming other MOMO NFTs. The total hash power is calculated by adding up the hash power of all your MOMOs. The amount of MBOX tokens mined is dependent on a user weighted average of the total hash power across the platform.

The amount of MBOX tokens released per day is also dependent on the total hash power across the platform.

Use cases of NFT tokens on Mobox. platform

  • Mine through blind boxes with KEYs (BEP-20 tokens)
  • Stake NFT in Smart Contract to mine MBOX tokens.
  • Can be traded on Mobox’s Marketplace. Used on all games on the MOBOX platform.
  • Rated by rarity.

MBOX Wallet

MBOX is a BEP-20 standard token that can be stored directly on the MBOX platform through Mobox’s wallet. Or integrate MetaMask, Binance Wallet Extension, Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallets to save Mobox tokens.

The MOBOX platform also comes with a Decentralized and centralized wallet that allows for a seamless experience for every application on the platform. User’s can also choose to register/login with their social media accounts and having their private keys saved to the cloud. This gives user an onboarding process they are already familiar with while keeping everything decentralized and secure, ensuring that their keys is their money.

In order to make sure the user stays in command and always has the easiest access to all things crypto, MOBOX has created a wallet plugin and Android and iOS apps to ensure that your Crypto and NFTS can be accessed from anywhere, anytime.

With support for all major Blockchain, users can enjoy their favorite , transfer Crypto, store their NFT collectibles, and invest in various DeFi (Decentralized Finance) protocols. All in one simple to use platform.[20]

Mobox Roadmap

The MOBOX team still has a lot of work ahead. Community members have many things to look forward to, ranging from cross-chain NFT support to introducing new games and creating legendary NFTs for e-sports players. The team will also revamp cross-chain Yield Farming in early 2022. Token holders will be able to vote on NFTs and games to be released in the future. Additionally, the introduction of an achievement system is designed to improve engagement and retention.

Q3 2021

  • MOBOX NFT Creator Platform
  • veMBOX Booster Smart Contract
  • MOMO: Block Brawler Game (Game #2)
  • Cross Chain Yield Farming
  • e-sports player and streamer Legendary NFT
  • Major Exchange Listing
  • Multiple token Mining Pool

Q4 2021

  • Game Creator API for third party developers
  • Partner Tier 1 IP for Legendary MOMO NFT
  • MOMO: Tactical Party Slayer (Game #3)
  • Platform wide chat system

Q1 2022

  • Onboard first third party developer to utilize APIs
  • Expand on Tier 1 IP for Legendary MOMO NFT
  • Expand Cross Chain Yield Farming[2][19]
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August 23, 2022


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